05: "and i thought i was dramatic"

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Aesthetic featuring Alexander Hallowgreen (the drunk uncle)

Sage took a breath as stared at her dress in the mirror. She had to admit she looked beautiful. Her dress was a pinkish purple with a Lacey front that hung over her shoulders.
"I hate big dresses." She complained to her mother. "Must I wear such a big dress?"
"If you are going, you are going to wear this dress." Mrs. Hallowgreen said shortly. You could tell the women was still upset at Sage's dedication to her fathers plan. "I just don't see why you have to go at all."
"Mama, I love you but you know exactly why. It's something I have to do. My duty as a Shadowhunter." Sage said softly turning to her mother once the corset was tightened.
"I always regretted having such a beautiful daughter. I always knew one day your idiot of a father would use you as bait." Mrs. Hallowgreen said softly cupping the side of Sage's face.
"Let's forget about it. I'll be protected. I have Christopher and Anthony." Sage said as she took a seat in a chair. She turned to the mirror on her desk and began trying to pin up her hair.
"Speaking of Christopher." Mrs. Hallowgreen started replacing Sage's hands with hers. "How did you reel him in?"
"Mother! Are you insinuating that I put a spell on him?" Sage gasped looking at her mother's smile through the mirror. "I lost certainly did not."
"I was convinced he was going to go for your brother, he seems to be a bit. What's the word? Submissive." Mrs. Hallowgreen said softly trying to hide her smirk.
"We haven't gone that far but he is very dominant." Sage said trying to phrase her words carefully.
"I know, I've seen you kissing in the halls. You seem to have him wrapped around your finger, I mean he does hold your hand every night at diner." Mrs. Hallowgreen said with a soft smile as she finished Sage's hair.
  "Mama, he is really, I like him. He is very sweet and he treats me well." Sage said softly blushing.
  "I can tell, are you out to marry him?" Mrs. Hallowgreen said looking into Sage's eyes. "He would make a fine husband."
  "Mama! We just started courting. Give us time." Sage exclaimed gasping. She let out a soft laugh and shook her head a bit causing a strand to fall out of her hair.
  "Hold still! Now I have to redo your hair!" Mrs. Hallowgreen exclaimed pulling out the pins in Sage's hair.

Christopher got dressed in his fancy clothes as he liked to call them. He was ready rather early so he went to the training room the gather his thoughts, normally he would go to the lab but being so close to Sage he would be tempted to go see her. He knew her mother was helping her get ready and he didn't wish to bother him. 
   He sat by the window and watched the lawn when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and his eyes connected with Mr. Hallowgreen.
  "Hello sir." Christopher greeted with a short nod and a geeky smile. He gulped not knowing what was going through the older mans mind, for all he knew he could be there to tell him to break up with his daughter.
  "So you and my daughter?" Mr. Hallowgreen asked with a soft chuckle pulling out a chair and taking a seat beside of him. "I've never seen her smitten before. It's quiet amusing."
  "I really like her sir, she is wonderful." Christopher said honestly as a soft smile crept up to his face as his thoughts drifted to Sage.
  "I can tell, you are good for her." Mr. Hallowgreen said, he wasn't the type to show emotions but like any man he still felt them. "You aren't what I expected Sage to fall for, I'm I'm glad. The type of person I imagined her with would just cause trouble."
  "I'm glad sir, I believe I love her. And with any luck one day, with your permission. I would like to marry her." Christopher said gently his eyes snapping down to his hands which was fiddling with the buttons on his jacket. He looked at Mr. Hallowgreen out of the corner of his eye and cringed once he was his surprised face.
  "You wish to marry my ivy?" Mr. Hallowgreen asked slowly to make sure he heard Christopher right. "My Sage? My daughter? The one you have been kissing on the stairs when you think nobody is looking?"
  "Yes? Wait, you have seen us?" Christopher asked with a small blush started showing on his cheeks.  "Like I said sir, I believe I'm falling in love with her."
"Well, I think you should be more worried about her saying yes then me." Mr. Hallowgreen laughed patting Christopher's shoulder. "But don't worry, whenever you decide you want to marry her, you have my blessing."
  "Thank you sir, that means a lot." Christopher whispered with a small smile up at him. Mr. Hallowgreen got up and walked out of the room leaving Christopher with his thoughts.

"Mama! That's not needed." Sage whimpered as her mother tried to wrap a thick strand of pearls around her neck. She pulled them off and put them down with a pout.
  "You want to catch Christopher's Attention don't you? You can't cook so how else are you suppose to keep a man?" Mrs. Hallowgreen said looking down at her daughter bitterly.
  "By marrying a man who loves me not wishing to use me to bear the children! And I already have Christopher's attention. By your attitude you want me to have everyone's attention." Sage arched as she stood up. "The hair and the big dress is enough."
  "Don't you wish to be the prettiest girl in the room?" Mrs. Hallowgreen asked shaking her head making note that she needed to get ready herself.
  "No." Sage answered shortly with a shake of her head. Once her mother was out of her room she turned to the mirror noticing how over the top she looked. "Pathetic." She whispered walking out of her room.
  She made her way to the training room wanting to pick up a few blades to hide in her dress Incase things go wrong. She walked in and saw Christopher looking out of the window seemingly deep in thought. She didn't want to interrupt him so she went to get her blades instead.
  "Oh Sage, hello." Christopher said as he heard a noise and looked over seeing Sage. Sage looked up and smiled softly.
  "So you have caught me?" She asked with a teasing grin holding up her hands in mock surrender.
  "It seems like I have." He laughed standing up. His eyes scanned her causing a blush to fall on her cheeks.
  "You like the dress?" She asked as his mouth fell open and he started to walk over to her.
  Instead of answering he took long strides to her and grabbed her waist pulling her against him. She took in a breath, her hands falling against his chest. She started to say something when he cut her off by kissing her gently but with some force.
  "I think, you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. The most beautiful one to ever exist and that includes the angels." Christopher whispered laying his forehead against hers. His words sucked the breath out of her lungs living her breathless.
   "And here I though I was being over dramatic." She whispered her American accent seeming to thicken as her voice got lower.
"Maybe a bit, but it suits you. You look stunning Ivy." He whispered running his hand over the bone of her jaw. She took in a deep breath trying to fill her lungs up with air again. Her chest started to ache. She wouldn't never admit how weak he was making her feel. She has been called Ivy her whole life, she even had a few people call her beautiful. None of that had the effect that Christopher had on her, even with the simplest of words.
   "Christopher." She whispered letting her eyes flutter shut. She had no energy to fight what he was making her feel. She leaned into his touch on her jaw and opened her mouth wanting to speak more but finding no words.
  "I believe I'm falling in love with you Ivy." He whispered kissing her forehead causing her to melt. Her eyes snapped open and locked with his.
  "Do you mean it?" She croaked her voice week with emotion or nervousness she didn't know.
  "Yes, I do. I wouldn't have said it if i didn't." He confirmed shaking his head. She let out a small cry and wrapped her arms around his neck hugging him.
  "You are going to be the love of my life Christopher. Because i know I'm falling in love with you." She whispered in his ear before burying her face in his neck.
  He smiled and kissed her exposed shoulder and he held her. If he was honest with himself he never wanted to let go.
Sage smiled and took in a breath as he kissed her skin. When he raised his head she connected their lips.
"We better get down there before your mother comes and drags us both." Christopher whispered before they heard footsteps. They didn't want to be caught in the action so they both ran towards the weapons closet.
"Jonathan, I don't see why I can't have them both." A voice said as two people walked in.
"They are my children! You are lucky I'm letting you take one of them!" Mr. Hallowgreen said to the figure. Mr. Hallowgreen's face turned bright red and he was fuming.
"Jonathan, my Parabatai, calm down. I promised you. No harm will come to your children. I just need Sage." The figure said. The figure took a step forward into the light. Christopher's grip on her hips tightened. It was Ace. Sage's breath caught in her throat as she realized what was happening. Her father was on Ace's side.
  "You promised that after Sage's opens the angel you will return her safely. No harm?" Mr. Hallowgreen said softly putting his hand on Ace's shoulder.
  "I promise you Jay. Nothing and I mean nothing will happen to her." Ace promised causing Sage to look up at Christopher. Their eyes met and they both shared a scared look.

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