03- "much like you and I"

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Aesthetic featuring Anthony Hollowgreen

"What do you mean you know him?" Sage asked following her father into the house.
  "I mean what I said." Her father snapped gathering everyone at the kitchen table. Christopher walked in and sat beside of Sage. He laced their fingers together. She smiled up at him and turned her attention back to her father.
  "Who he is father?" Anthony asked with a slightly attitude in his voice. Sage and their mother gave him a look.
  "His name is Ace. He was my Parabatai from years ago. He is much like Tessa." Mr. Hallowgreen said mostly to Christopher. "But he never knew of his demon heritage till we turned sixteen."
  "If he has demon heritage, why did he say his father is Lucifer?" Sage asked putting her other hand on Christopher's arm. He was the only thing keeping her grounded right now.
  "Yeah, isn't Lucifer a fallen angel?" Anthony asked looking up from his notepad, Anthony had a habit of taking notes while learning about new things.
  "From what lore says Lucifer is the father of all demons." Christopher said softly giving Sage a soft look.
  "Exactly, Ace is half angel, half demon but he isn't a Seelie. He is something much stronger. More Shadowhunter like. He can even hold runes." Mr. Hallowgreen explained.
"Why is he just now coming after the necklace?" Sage asked still confused on who this man was.
"He was trapped in Edom for last two decades." Mr. Hallowgreen said sitting down, his face suddenly becoming pale. "He is still dramatic, popping in then leaving like that."
"Father, I'm sorry but, how did the parabatai bond break?" Anthony asked giving Sage a look.


"Ace you can't." Jonathan exclaimed jerking the blade away from him. Jonathan couldn't believe what his parabatai just said. He wanted to find his father.
"I need to know why I am what I am." Ace begged with fake tears rolling down his face. "I need to set him free."
"Ace! No!" Jonathan said knocking him back. "You can't. Not only is that a suicide mission but that will get all of us killed."
"I don't care. I need to know." Ace yelled bringing out a sword.

End of flashback-

"He nearly killed me that day. Later that night I felt terrible pain. He broke the bond because I wouldn't stand behind him." Mr. Hallowgreen said bitterly.
  "Papa, I'm sorry, but why do you think after all these years he has come back?" Sage asked, she felt bad for her father, she had never had a parabatai nor did she want one. But she knew that was one, if not the strongest bond a Shadowhunter could have.
  "Well, my guess is because we didn't know where the hyda was for years. Nor did we know the power it held." Mr. Hallowgreen said.
  "Darling, I hate to intrude, but the clave has sent a fire message. They are aware of the situation and they want us to hold a ball. As a destruction." Mrs. Hallowgreen told everyone in a gentle, soft voice.
  "A ball? They want us to hold a ball?" Mr. Hallowgreen gasped shaking his head. "When?"
  "Tomorrow night." Mrs. Hallowgreen said wistfully. Sage flinched knowing her father would have an out burst. He hated having to many people over at one time. Sage sometimes guessed he had anxiety.
   "As much as I hate the idea, it would lure him out of hiding." Mr. Hallowgreen said softly with a hint of bitterness. Sage watched as her father deflated with defeat. Mrs. Hallowgreen nodded and walked out probably to make plans for the ball. "You three may be excused."
Sage and Christopher got up at the same time. They silently walked to the lab. Sage at in her chair and pulled her knees to her chest sighing deeply.
  "Are you okay?" Christopher asked walking to her and sitting on the stool in-front of her. He gently cupped her face making her look at him. "Talk to me." He whispered kissing her forehead gently.
  "I'm scared." She admitted. Normally she would never dare to tell a male she was scared. She didn't like seeming like the damsel in distress. She would much rather be the knight in shinning armor.
  "I'm scared too. But we will make it through." He whispered trying his best to calm her down. Seeing her anxious was making him anxious and nothing when right when he was anxious.
  "No, you don't understand. Nothing scares me Christopher. Not demons not Lucifer himself but this situation. It could kill us and to be honest with you. It scares me." She whispered looking into his soothing lavender eyes. The eyes she could get lost in.
  "I know, but that's a risk we always have. But I promise you." Christopher said softly getting on his knees and holding her hands in his. "I will die trying to protect you."
  "If you die for me. I'll raise you back from the dead and kill you myself." She threatened with a sad smile as tears started pouring out of her eyes. "I can't imagine losing you Christopher."
  "You won't. You will never lose me." He said thickly. "Never. You are stuck with me now." He laughed trying to cheer her up. He hated seeing her so upset.
  "Forever?" She asked holding up her hand. He nodded and smiled taking her hand and kissing it.
  "Forget. Oh, I got an idea. I want to show you something." He said suddenly pulling her up. He grabbed her waist and placed her on the table. "Sit here." He said excitedly.
  "What is that thing?" She asked eyeing a giant blue call with purple looking veins around it.
  "That's a static ball, I made these." He said handing her two set of watching bracelets. "You know how electricity works?" He asked her before explaining what she was holding.
  "Not exactly no." She said blushing from embarrassment. She bit her lip and smiled softly.
  "It's okay Sage." He whispered fondly. "A current of it is a steady flow of electrons. When electrons move from one place to another they carry electrical energy from place to place. I some how managed to get the electrons almost completely independent."
  "How did you do that?" She asked looking up at him then back to the bracelets. He smiled taking the bracelets and putting them on her wrists.
  "By making a barrier. But there are dependent upon each other. So rub them together." He said with a soft smile watching her hands slowly ready to jump in and take them of Incase something went wrong.
  Sage rubbed her wrist together letting out a laugh when they sparked. She looked up at him with a grin. She rubbed them together once more and a small current of electricity flowed over the metal.
  "Christopher, you are so brilliant." She gasped watching her hands. She slowly moved them away letting out a laugh when she saw the current staying together even though she pulled her hands away. "How does this work?"
  "Because they need each other. They have their bonds, negative." He whispered pointing to the right one. "And positive," he said softly pointing to the left.
  "They feed off of each other?" She asked softly looking into his eyes once again.
"Exactly, they need each other to survive." He whispered looking at her face. "Much like you and I." He said softly blushing deeply.
"And we have a bond." She whispered laughing. She looked up noticing how close they were. She blushed and licked her lips.
"We do." He whispered back eyes looking down to her lips and then back to her eyes. He subconsciously leaned in trying to rack his brain on what James had told him to do if he ever wanted to kiss a girl.
He broke out of his thoughts as their lips touched. His hands going to her waist pulling her closer and her hands moving to his hair. He parted his mouth and moved his lips against hers. They moved perfectly together as if he had kissed her a million times before.
Once they parted he rested his forehead against hers. They locked eyes and blushed.
  "Be my date to the ball? No, forget that. Be mine?" He mumbled holding her closely not wanting to let go.
"Yes to both my love," she whispered before they softly shared another kiss. They shared a few more kisses before Christopher started getting bold and moving his hands to her hips. He gently nipped at his jaw causing her to take in a breath of air.
"Mine." He whispered against the soft curve of her neck gently kissing it making sure not to leave a mark.
"Christopher." Sage whimpered softly running her fingers through his hair. "You have training with my father."
"I can skip just this one. I'll tell him I'm ill." He whispered kissing up her jaw and back to her lips.
"He will drag you to that training room. You know it." She laughed wrapping her arms around his neck.
"I'll only go if you do." He whispered kissing her once more before getting up. Sage rolled her eyes nodding. She stood up and went to her room changing into her training gear. Which was made up of thick trousers and a long sleeved vest.
"You ready to go?" She asked walking back in the room.

"Sage, your turn." Mr. Hallowgreen ordered beaconing the girl forward with his hand. Sage walked to him ready for him to strike at her.
"This is going to be fun to watch." Anthony said to Christopher once Mr. Hallowgreen made his first movement.
"And why is that?" Christopher asked raising an eye brow at the boy's antics.
"Father and sage share the same skill set. I'm good with a sword don't get me wrong but father and sage. They are almost exactly alike and you can never tell who will win." Anthony said softly destining to sage who just stepped back to avoid being cut.
"My bet is on Sage." He said softly with a smile. Christopher watched as Sage got the upper hand kicking her fathers feet from under him.
"Still can't beat me old man." She giggled softly holding out her hand to help him up.
"Never let your guard down." He said as he grabbed her hand and roughly pulled her. She only stumbled a bit.
"It seems like you never learn, I don't hit the ground." She smirked letting him fall back down.
"Sage Ivory, much you tease your father like that?" Mrs. Hallowgreen asked walking into the training room.
"But mama, he started it." Sage exclaimed putting her hands on her hips. "I'm going to get you." She playfully threatened her father.
"Kids, you spar amongst each other. I'll be back in a bit." Mr. Hallowgreen said clearly distracted. He walked out of the room leaving the two teenagers to look at each other in confusion.
  "Shall we?" Anthony said holding up his stele.
  "We shall." She giggled holding up her stele, together they drew soundless runes on them. Sage turned and grabbed Christopher's arm and slowly tracing the same rune on him. "We are going to follow them." She whispered to him. She peeked her head out of the door and signaled Anthony to follow with Christopher. They got to the end of the hallway and out their ear next to the door.
   "What do you mean he is here?" Mr. Hallowgreen asked. The trio looked at each other and leaned in closer.
  "He is downstairs. He wants to meet Sage." Mrs. Hallowgreen said in a whisper.
  "Why Sage?" Mr. Hallowgreen asked in a hushed whisper. Sage thoughts ran through her head. Why would her fathers ex parabatai want to meet her.
   "Because old friend. She is the key to all of this." Another voice said. The all looked at each other again recognizing the voice. It was Ace, and he was here for Sage.

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