07- "Micheal"

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Aesthetic featuring Christopher Lightwood

Christopher stood outside of her room like he was asked. He could hear Sage moving around in her room not for sure what she was doing exactly. But he did know one thing for sure, if she needed him, he was going to be there for her.
  Sage slammed the door as she walked feeling her heart beat fast in her chest. After hearing her heart beat down would believe that she was kidnapped. Her head felt ice cold while the rest of her body felt on fire. She looked at herself in the mirror when suddenly her eyes flowed Grey.
  She heard a voice in her head but couldn't make it out. It felt like it was whispering her name. Child. She gasped and stepped back. Child listen,, you must stop it. She turned around looking for a source of the voice but couldn't find one.
  "Who are you?" She demanded going in complete circles. The fuzzy feeling faded when Christopher busted into the room. She took one look at time and feel to the floor unconscious. Christopher let out a scream to the only person he could think of in that moment. Tessa.

"So, you are telling me that when your girlfriend hit the ground the only thing that hit that brilliant brain of yours was to call for my mother?" James asked Christopher who was sitting at the kitchen table with his head in his hands.
  "Yes! I knew Tessa would be able to help her and I didn't think twice!" He snapped causing everyone to flinch back. Christopher was never the one to get angry, even when he was frustrated he never snapped. "I'm sorry, but you should have seen her. She was like glowing. Her eyes was silver then she just smacked the ground and when I touched her, she was scorching hot."
"Like her body temperature or your attraction to her?" Matthew asked with a bottle of scotch in his hand. Christopher glared at him and let out a huff.
"Math, just because Mr. Hallowgreen gave you that doesn't mean you should actually drink all of it." James said giving a quickly glance at the one person who hasn't said anything this whole time, Thomas.
  "Do you think maybe she was possessed?" Thomas asked quietly. Almost as if he was expecting Christopher to blow up at him.
"No, this, I've never seen it nor read anything about it before. It looked almost. Dare I say angelic." Christopher said softly with a simple shake of his head. The poor boy looked almost defeated.
  "Kit don't worry, we will find what happened to her and we will fix it. We always do." James said patting Christopher's shoulder as Mr. Herondale walked into the room.
  "She's asking for you Kit." Will said just eyes soft. He knew exactly what Christopher was feeling. At one point he felt it with Tessa. It was love and sometimes love could hurt, he felt pitty for Christopher's poor soul.

Sage let out a few whimpers as she slowly woke up. But when she woke up she wasn't at her house. She want anywhere at all. She looked up and saw the sun beaming down at her.
  She slowly sat up and looked at her dress, she was wearing a thin lacy nightgown looking white dress. Child, she heard. She stood up and saw a glowing light. She flinched and out her hands over her eyes shielding then from the light.
"Child." A voice said more out loud now. She slowly opened her eyes. Instead of the light a small boy was standing in its place. He didn't look any older then 15.
  "W-who are you?" She asked taking a step back. Her shadowhunter instincts was at complete ease but the human side of her was freaking.
  "I am  The Archangel Micheal. And I have a mission for you." He said shortly. He gestured for her to walk with him. She didn't have much choice the angel side of her making her move her body forward.
  "What is the mission?" She asked softly fiddling with her hands but her eyes never leaving him. Angel or no angel she didn't trust him.
  "You are the descendent of Wayland the Blacksmith. The only shadowhunter with his actual blood line. I watched you and your brother for years. I mistaken and thought it was him but it was you. You have the gift to weld weapons and I need you to weld mine." He explained offering her an arm in which she took. She studdered and shook her head
  "I have never made a sword in my life." She said to which he cut her off.
"The sword already exists you need to simply repair it." He explained sitting her down on a white marble bench. "I'm afraid you can't say no. The whole world is at danger. Specially your brother."
  "What does Anthony have to do with this?" She asked looking into his brown eyes as he sat down. Her mind drifted back to Christopher and his friends. Would they be okay?
  "No, they won't be. Ace has got his hands on the necklace that I trapped my brother in so long ago. I was foolish and didn't cast him into the cage. And now his son has him. And he will be released and very well might start a war." He explained to her sadly. He looked so remorseful she believed him.
  "Like the Bible war? The apocalypse?" She asked tilting her head to the side trying to wraps her head around his new information.
  "No, that's not set for a few more hundred years. But this, will very well might be like it." He said pushing her brown hair to the side, she felt something cold hit her neck and looked down seeing an identical necklace to the one Tessa use to have. 
"What is this?" She asked picking up the clock ward angel and looking at him. Now looking at him he seemed almost older.
"This is for when you need to summon me. And when I need to talk to you. Remember don't fight it. When the time comes let it take you." He whispered as her head started throbbing.
"What are you talking about?" She asked putting her hands over her ears. "Micheal?" She asked standing up and turning in circles. "Micheal!!" But he was gone.

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