09- "I am Belphegor"

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Aesthetic featuring Will Herondale

The railing felt cold on her hands as she hoisted herself up on the ladder that was connected to the roof. She peeked her head over the edge and saw three demons standing guard. They wasn't normal demons either, that was greater demons. She bit her lip and let out a soft curse. The only way she was to get out of this was to separate them.
  She slowly climbed down the ladder sneaking off to the court yard. She needed one at a time. "Hey demons! Come get me!" She yelled hoping that getting them off of the roof will give the others time to get the survivors out. She turned as soon as the demons looked at her ran off. She stopped for a moment till she heard the thump indicating that one of the demons was changing after her. She wished that more would come after her but at least she could be able to pick them off one by one.

Christopher's breath fogged his glasses as he walked into the corridor. He watched Mr. Herondale help Thomas get his lanky body through the window. They took a look around. Everything was dark. It was cold. Christopher couldn't see snything beyond the two feet of light the witchlight gave them. He felt his heart drop. In the middle of the weapons room was everyone who lived in the institute. Women, children and men. All piled up laying shoulder to shoulder as if laid to sleep.
"What is this?" Thomas asked Mr. Herondale. Christopher got on his knees and pressed his fingers to a few of their pulse points. "This seems like they are all dead." Thomas said softly looking over the pile.
  "Thats because they are." Mr. Herondale said flatly Standing up. James and Matthew rounded the corner stopping in their tracks. Mr. Herondale ushered everyone out of the institute.
  Thomas and Christopher watched as Mr. Herondale wrote a quick fire message. "They should be here soon." He whispered softly. "Lets find the ladies."
  The three men took off to find the wives only to see Them cornered by two demons. Mrs. Hallowgreen stood infront of Tessa her staff in full glory. They watched as she took down one with swiftness that even shocked Mr. Herondale.
At the same time all three men jumped into action taking down the last demon. "Where's Sage?" Christopher asked. She didn't meet them inside so she had to be out here.
"Lets check the woods. I heard her yell earlier." Tessa said softly looking at Will with a scared look. He gently rubbed her arm and took off towards the back of the institute. "Theres foot prints." Tessa observed.
"Demonic ones." James confimed with a nod. Christopher crept forward with James leading. They heard whispering. They turned a trees and saw the demon talking to Sage. James didn't give them time to continue the conversation. He threw a dagger as Thomas stabbed the demon in the back.

Sage suddenly took a turn and hide behind the tree taking out her sword. She felt the air get colder and started to smell like sulfur. She slowly peaked out just in time to avoid getting her head smashed by the monster. She let out a cry and rolled away turning to land on her knees. She kept eye contact with the demon moving slowly. "Hey there fellow." She whispered softly. "Why don't you tell me why you are here." She asked slowly getting to her feet.
"I am Belphegor. Sin of sloth. I am here to make sure my brother don't get out." He said slowly turning into what looks like a human form. Sage furrowed her eye brows.
"We are here to assure the same. Why wouldn't you want your brother out?" She asked narrowing her eyes. Her body straighten. She felt stronger. She knew the others was close. The demon opened his mouth to say something. He disolved into ash right infront of her.
"Sage! Are you alright?" Mr. Herondale asked running up with everyone behind him. Christopher walked over cupping her face looking her over.
"We need to speak with father." Sage said softly giving her mother a look that said this needed to be done. Mrs. Hallowgreen nodded shortly and they turned to walk back to their horses.

"Wait, they are all dead but no traces of how? Do you think it was poison?" Sage asked rubbing her face.
  "It couldn't have been. The silent brothers would know." Mr. Herondale said softly. Sage nodded her head and leaned into her hands. She let out a sigh and chewed on her lip. Christopher watched her not knowing exactly how to comfort her. Hugs seem to always work but he couldn't scoop her into his arms here infront of everyone. Well not if he wanted to go the rest of his life without them both being teased.
"And what about you? Why was you talking to it?" James asked not in a mean way but in a way that told her he wanted to be answered.
Sage shook her head. "He told me he was there to make sure that his brother didn't get relased. He sounded like he was doing whatever it took." She said. Her own words confused her.
"Why would he want to keep Lucifer in the locket? Shouldn't he want to free him?" James asked his eye brows rising. To sage James always looked like a golden version Of tessa. But right here he looked more like will then anything.
"I was trying to figure that out when you guys jumped to my aid," Sage answered not sure herself. But she needed to find out. She started to rise as her mother rushed into the room.
"The silent brothers said that all the shadowhunters that was killed was rouge." Mrs. Hallowgreen said softly her eyes full of fear. "They was part of Axels army."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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