04- "ill sell you to the shadowmarket"

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Aesthetic featuring Ace (the villain)

"Sage you have to be careful, and make sure Christopher or I are with you at all times." Anthony said as they walked back to Sage's room.
  "I'll sleep in the lab so that I'll be next door." Christopher offered to satisfy Anthony, but knowing Sage she would drag him to her bed to hold her. He learned in the months that he has been at the Hallowgreen manor that she sometimes had night terrors. It became a habit to comfort her when he spent sleepless nights in his lab.
  "That would help. I'll get you a bed set up in there." Anthony said patting Christopher on the back.
  After Anthony left Christopher's concern went to Sage. He gently led her to her room. He sat her on the bed and cupped the side of her face kissing her to break her out if the trance.
  "How are you holding up?" He asked gently trying to gently pull her out of her thoughts without everything crashing. She shook her head with tears welding up in her eyes.
  "I-I'm so confused and so scared. W-what if he tries to take me Christopher?" She whispered her blue eyes locking with his lavender ones.
  "Hey, hey listen to me." He whispered pulling her into his chest. He gently laid back on the bed letting her lay on him. "I will protect you with my life. Nothing, I promise nothing is going to happen to you."
  "You can't promise that." She whimpered sitting up enough to look into his eyes.
  "I can and I will. Even if it kills me." He said completely serious. He would die if it meant that Sage would live another day.
  Sage shook her head burying her face in his neck. She let out a few whimpers. After laying with him for a while they both let out a yawn.
  "W-would you stay here tonight?" She asked softly, "I-I know it's improper but I'm scared to be alone and I don't want to bother Anthony and papa don't know that we heard." She rambled almost starting to cry again.
  "Hey, don't cry Iv." He whispered cupping her face again and drying her tears with his thumbs. "I'll stay. Just let me go change into my night clothes. I'll bring different clothes for tomorrow as well."
  She nodded standing up as he walked out of the door. She changed into one of her light pink nightgowns and crawled into bed. She curled up with her back against the headboard. She felt so stupid, Shadowhunters weren't suppose to be scared yet here she was terrified.
  She almost cried out as Christopher walked back into the room. She put her hand on her chest and let out a breath shaking her head. Great, now she was paranoid.
  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." Christopher whispered laying his extra clothes beside of the bed. He crawled back into the bed and pulled her to his chest again. Only this time he wasn't wearing a shirt. Sage felt herself blush but her fear over rode her attraction to him.
  Sage pulled the covers over them both feeling oddly safe and at peace now that Christopher was holding her. She let out one more yawn before making it clear she was heading to sleep.  As she was falling asleep she felt Christopher's lips touch her forehead and heard him whisper something she couldn't make out.

  Sage woke up to the sun whining through her curtains and into her eyes. She panicked for a moment feeling someone's arm around her waist. She looked behind her and saw that her back and pressed into Christopher's chest, he was cuddling her in his sleep. She smiled taking a moment to just lay in his arms.
   She bit her lip remembering last nights events. She got nervous again remembering what Ace had said. She had no idea what he meant by her being the key, the key to what? She turned herself around in Christopher's arms and laid her head against his chest closing her eyes hoping to fall back asleep. Her hopes was quickly washed away as she felt his chest rumble with a chuckle.
  "Good morning to you too." He whispered gently kissing her forehead. She felt her face heat up so she snuggled more into his chest.
  "Five more minutes." She mumbled gently running her nose along his collar bone. Christopher's breath hitched and he trembled. He ran his fingers through her hair gently getting the nots out of it.
  "We have to be downstairs for breakfast." He whispered gently kissing her shoulder. "We have to get up." He said more firm not wanting to get up himself. If he was honest he would like to lay in bed holding her forever but with last nights events and a looming father and brother downstairs he knew he couldn't.
   "Anthony will make an excuse for us. He has his suspicions you know." She whispered sitting up slowly. She raised her arms above her head and stretched her back. Christopher watched her with great interest completely adoring the whole way she moved.
  He sat up on his elbows with the intention of getting up but froze seeing the sun shining through her hair. Her eyes looked crystal to him and it made his heart swell.
  "You are so beautiful." He whispered not being able to help himself. He pushed her back and pinned her to the bed gently kissing her lips. "Maybe we can take a bit longer." He said softly gently kissing down her neck,
  "So now you are on my side?" She giggled wrapping her arms around his neck. He mumbled something against her shoulder that she didn't catch. She was tempted to just lay in his arms but knew they would be in trouble. "What happened to the breakfast?" She giggled gently kissing his lips.
  "Breakfast isn't important right now," he mumbled against her skin. He started to kiss down her shoulder as he heard a knock on the door.
  "By the angel Sage, if you are sleeping with him I'll sell you to the shadow market." Anthony whispered through the door. He opened it and groaned. "Seriously? In the middle of this?"
  "We were not having sex!" Sage explained sitting up, "Simply just enjoying each other's company." She protested crossing her arms. "Besides, what are you doing here?"
  "I was worried, when you didn't show up to our Saturday morning training I thought you was hurt or worse. Kidnapped." Anthony exclaimed over dramatically falling into a chair near her bed. "I apologize, not sex, just attachment at the mouth."
  "Oh do shut up," she groaned reaching up to smack his leg. "I apologize for missing training, I was so scared yesterday and worked up I asked him to stay. I-I was terrified tony." She whispered frowning deeply. She was never ashamed to admit her feelings to her brother.
  "Hey, calm down Ivy, I know, and besides even if you was having intercourse, that's your choice and it's not my place to judge you on that." He whispered gently kissing her forehead. "And as long as you don't impregnate her and then run off, I'll be fine with you."
   "Oh I would never, I'm very interested in her. I would never do anything without her permission or the intention to marry." Christopher said gently taking Anthony's teasing seriously.
  "Well, if you do want to marry her, she is worth at least two pigs and a cow don't you think?" Anthony teased giving Christopher a smile that got him into trouble with the boys of the town.
   "She is worth more than two pigs and a cow. She is priceless." Christopher said confused with the metaphor that Anthony used to tease him.
  "Yeah, she sure is." Anthony chuckled patting Christopher's back, "By the way, I got mom off your back for thirty minutes. I told her you was cleaning off after the training session and that Christopher blew something up in the lab."
  "Thank you!" Sage yelled as Anthony walked out the door. "I'm sorry you had to witness that," she whispered looking up at Christopher as soon as the door shut. Christopher just let out a laugh falling against the mattress and taking her with him.

Sage cleaned up, gave Christopher a few kisses and changed in a record time. She made it downstairs as her mother was setting the table.
  "Ah, there you are, work up a sweat did you?" Mrs. Hallowgreen asked softly with a chuckle.
  "My apologies ma'am. You know how I get sometimes." Sage said softly tucking her wet hair behind her ear.
  "Ah yes, you are like your father." Mrs. Hallowgreen said softly. "You look like me but act like him."
  "The best of both if you ask me." Mr. Hallowgreen said walking into the kitchen greeting his wife with a kiss. Anthony let out a fake gagging noise sticking his tongue out.
  "Well, might as well keep that up once Christopher gets here, I'm guessing he will greet your sister in the same way." Mrs. Hallowgreen said winking at Sage. Sage gasped and covered her mouth. Even Anthony was visually shocked.
  "Ah, a mother always knows." Mr. Hallowgreen said gently looking at Mrs. Hallowgreen with fondness.
  "How did you find out?" Sage asked blushing like mad. Mrs. Hallowgreen let out a small giggle and shook her head.
  "I had my suspicions but then I walked into your room to tell you something and I saw you two in bed together." Mrs. Hallowgreen said giving her a look. "I was going to scream but then Christopher woke up and explained the situation to me. I like him, he is a gentleman."
  "And I'm not?" Mr. Hallowgreen gasped with a look of fake hurt on his face. "I am wounded."
  "Then die." Mrs. Hallowgreen said with a serious look on her face. Sage knew her mother didn't mean it. She had seen her mother rip a demons head off with her bare hands over her father.
  "Now, I am just offended." Mr. Hallowgreen mumbled turning to the food. Sage blushed as Christopher walked in greeting everyone with a smile.
  "Good morning." Christopher said with a smile on his face. Christopher knee by the look on Sage's face something had happened. "Did I miss something?"
  "Ah just kiss her already." Anthony said flapping his hand in the air in a gesture of dismissing.
  "Pardon?" Christopher asked giving Sage a look. Anthony's words shocked him. He though Anthony was on their side.
  "They all know." Sage said softly giving him a small smile.
  "Oh they do?" Christopher said carefully not sure if she meant them or the fact they heard what was said last night.
  "About everything." Sage finished softly biting her lip. Christopher nodded and looked at Mr. Hallowgreen expecting to be scolded.
  "I approve." Mr. Hallowgreen said softly giving him a smirk. "You have treated her right and I know how you are boy. I know you will be good with her."
  "Thank you sir." Christopher said sitting down. Sage sat beside of him and grabbed his hand with a smile.

  "Excuse me?" Mrs. Hallowgreen exclaimed smacking Mr. Hallowgreen on the back of the head. "You will not be using our daughter as bait."
  "Mother! If it's the best way. I'll do it." Sage said giving Christopher a look. Christopher agreed with Mrs. Hallowgreen, it was much to dangerous.
  "Darling, he will be to invested in trying to get Sage to go with him. He won't notice the Hyda being moved." Mr. Hallowgreen tried to explain to his wife.
  "Mama, I love you. But I have to do this." Sage said grabbing her mother's hands. She smiled softly and hugged her. "Besides, Anthony will be near by and I'll be with Christopher with whole time. I'll be safe."
  Mrs. Hallowgreen walked out of the room muttering something in another language. Sage frowned knowing she had upset her mother. Christopher caught onto Sage's sadness and pulled her into a hug gently kissing her head.
  "It will be okay." He whispered against her head. He wasn't to sure he believed that himself but he would try his hardest.

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