2: "i've never seen such beauty."

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Aesthetic featuring Jonathan Hallowgreen

There was chatter of pot and pans and people talking in the kitchen as Sage walked down the stairs. She got into the kitchen and saw Christopher covered in flower and her mom with her hand over her mouth laughing.
  "By the angel, what happened?" Sage asked eyes Christopher from head to toe making them both blush. Christopher found himself once again eyeing Sage as she wore a light purple lacy dress. Pastel colors seemed to be her thing.
  "You look beautiful as always Sage." Christopher said smoothly leaning his weight into a chair but ended up slipping on some flower and tumbled into the floor. Sage let out a giggle and held out a hand for him.
  "Why thank you Christopher, you look rather lovely yourself, I believe white is definitely your color." Sage teased helping him up.
  "Looks like you can't even pay my sister a dear compliment without falling for her." Anthony winked from the small table in the corner.
  "Anthony, do shut up." Sage scolded blushing bright red.
  "Christopher, go get cleaned up. Breakfast will be ready in a few." Mrs. Hallowgreen said softly with a smile. Christopher nodded giving Sage a lingering look before walking out of the kitchen.
  "Must you tease him like that?" Sage asked sitting her brother with a folded up newspaper. Anthony grabbed the newspaper and leaned back.
"He has been here a month, it's clear he likes you Sage. I say go for it." Anthony teased. "You my dear sage are so beautiful, marry me, marry me." Anthony said taking Christopher's voice.   "Oh you hush." Sage cried hitting him again with her hands this time.
  "Oh hell, mother she likes him back." Anthony yelled standing up and picking sage up over his shoulder.
"Keep your voice down!" Sage exclaimed putting her hand over his mouth. Anthony dropped her and started laughing.  Sage walked out her face flaming hot. She sat on the stairs with her hands on her face trying to calm down.
   "Sage, are you okay?" Christopher asked coming down the stairs. Sage looked up and smiled softly.
"Yeah, just my brother embarrassing me that's all." She whispered looking down in her lap. Christopher day beside of her and looked down at her.
  "What happened?" He asked grabbing her hand and softly stroking it. Sage took a breath and bit her lip. "You can tell me anything you know that." He whispered looking up at her.
  "I like you Christopher." She admitted blushing a bright red. "I really like you."
"You like me? Like you would date me, like me?" He asked his mind starting to race a thousand miles an hour. He lightly cupped the side of her face gently stroking her cheek bones.
"Yes, I like you like I would date you." She laughed softly gently leaning into his touch. "I couldn't help falling, you are something different Christopher."
  "I wouldn't say that's a good different but coming from you I sure hope it is." He whispered gently kissing her forehead making her turn red.
  "It is. You are gentle with words and actions, you are incredibly smart. It shows through everything you do." She whispered closing her eyes. She smiled then looked into his lavender eyes. "There's nothing that can stop me from falling for you."
  "Let me take you on a date." He whispered being careful with his words. "I want to do something for you soon. We don't even have to take you off the property."
  "Okay." She laughed gently laying a hand on his chest. "You can stop rambling, I would like that." She grinned standing up. She held out her hand gesturing to the dinning hall with her head. He nodded knowing exactly what she meant and took her hand. He smiled to himself, bad with girls, take that James!
After breakfast Sage, Christopher and Anthony made their way to the training room. They was all going to get lessons from Mr. Hallowgreen.
  "First, Anthony and Sage. Spar." He said handing them both blades. The siblings faced each other and raised their weapons.
  "I'm ready when you are." Anthony teased keeping a steady eye at Sage knowing she was known for attacking when you least expected her too.
  "I'm always ready Tony." She whispered before whipping her blade in the air. Anthony let out a gasp and jerked his blade forward just in time for it to clash with his and stop it from hitting his face.
  "Not the fact will you!" He exclaimed pushing her sword away and kicking at her stomach. He straighten himself and sung at her only to be blocked.
  "Why? It's not like you need it." She teased back swinging her body around falling into a low crouch to avoid his hit.
  "Oh that's it." He laughed going full force. The two siblings fought back and forth for a while before Anthony accidentally cut open Sages arm.
  "Keep going." Mr. Hallowgreen called not caring that Sage was bleeding. She nodded at Anthony telling him that she was okay.
  "Let's finish this." She whispered hitting his sword with full force and hitting the back of his knee causing him to hit the floor. Anthony looked up as a cold piece of metal hit is neck.
  "Is it to late to tell you I love you?" He smirked winking at her.
  "I shall let you live another day." She laughed pulling her blade away. "Permission for a healing rune father?" She asked Mr. Hallowgreen straightening her posture.
  "Christopher, do you mind if I borrow your stele boy?" Mr. Hallowgreen asked sending Christopher a look. Christopher nodded handing the man his stele. Mr. Hallowgreen stepped forward and drew a healing rune on her neck.
  "Are you alright, my dear?" He asked in a low voice cupping her cheek. Sage smiled and nodded leaning into her fathers touch.
  "I'm already papa." She smiled kissing his cheek before getting back in her position.
   "Now, you boys need a lesson in digging, so Sage will will be on the second floor and will shoot these arrows at the boys. Understand?" Mr. Hallowgreen asked roughly handing her a bow and a quiver filled with round headed arrows. She nodded climbing to the top of the second floor and setting up.
"I'm ready when you are father." She called out readying her first arrow.
  "Start shooting." He ordered yelling so she could hear him. She gave him a look before shooting at Anthony first. Anthony being Anthony didn't jump away in time and the arrow hit in with a loud smack.
  Sage didn't want to but she loaded another arrow and aimed for Christopher surprised when he jumped out of the way in time. She went for Anthony again silently praising her brother each time she dogged her.
  Christopher wasn't so lucky, he got hit with her arrows multiple times till he was sure he was bleeding. He almost fell to the ground when Mr. Hallowgreen called it quits.
  "Sage, heal the man, I need to have a talk with your brother." Me. Hallowgreen said to Sage before he gave Anthony a look and walked out with him. Sage jumped down leaving her bow on the second floor and rushed to him.
  "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" She asked softly looking down at his bloody shirt. She gently laid her hands on his chest feeling the wounds.
  "I'm okay, just help me get to the lab so I can change my shirt." He chuckled softly but groaned with Sage touched his wounds. She nodded and helped him up wrapping her small arms around his torso.
  "When we get there I'll heal you." She whispered slowly walking into the hallway. Christopher started to answer but was cut off by Sage. "And no there's nothing you can say that will talk me out of it." She scolded opening the door for him. She sat him in her chair and went to her room getting a wet towel.
  "Is cleaning up the men in the house your duty?" He asked her softly taking in a breath as she started to unbutton his shirt.
  "I have healing properties you can say," she whispered taking off his bloody shirt. She stared at his chest for a moment blankly blinking. She shook her head gently starting to clean the blood. She shook her head when she started to bleed more.
  "You are getting frustrated." He pointed out with a confused face. She looked up and laughed gently kissing his head before setting the towel again.
  "Yes, you won't stop bleeding. I'll have to heal you first." She said grabbing his stele and drawing a healing rune on his lower stomach. Her fingers lingered a bit longer. "Are you healing?" She whispered slowly tracing a rune with the tip of her finger.
  "I think you can clean the blood now." He said softly watching her secretly loving the feeling of her fingers touching him.
  "Oh right, my apologies." She whispered jerking her hand away. She sat the stele down on the table and grabbed the towel again. "Just ignore me." She laughed trying to play off her blush.
  "Don't apologize, you can touch me in anyway." He said then turning bright red relaxing how that sounded. "That sounded so inappropriate, my apologies I did not mean it like that." He rushes to say trying to cover his mistake.
  "It's alright Christopher, I know what you was trying to say." She laughed gently kissing his cheek. She put the towel in the bowl and turned to him.
"You are very pretty when you are concerned." He said softly smiling at her. She let out a small giggle and looked down.
"I apologize for hurting you. That was never my intention." She said softly softly stroking the skin where the wound use to be.
"You was doing what you was told, plus we were training. I get hurt during training often." He said letting out a chuckle. When he saw that she didn't laugh with him he stopped. "Come here love." He whispered bribing her to his chest.
Sage let out a gasp but laid with him anyways. She laid her head on his chest and looked up at him. She blushed and looked back down closing her eyes enjoying the warmth he gave off.
"Are you comfortable with this?" She whispered looking up at him. Christopher looked down at her with a soft smile. He gently kissed her forehead and let out a chuckle,
"With you being in my arms? I'll stay like this always." He whispered pressing his face in her hair and taking in the sweet scent of strawberries.
She smiled wrapping her arms around his waist and laying in his arms. She would be a fool to admit that she didn't like being held by him. She felt safe around Christopher, she was often the girl that saved herself but truth be told she would gladly let Christopher save her, or she would save him.
  She started to say something when the alarm went off causing them both to stand up.
  "What is that?" Christopher asked grabbing a clean shirt and starting to button it.
  "The house is under attack." She whispered running out of the room. She went to her room and grabbed her sword and her quiver. Christopher grabbed his blade and ran downstairs meeting up with Mr. Hollowgreen who was shouting orders.
  "Sage! Roof now." He yelled wanting her up high for her shots. He never doubted Sage but Christopher on the other hand was worried for her.
  Sage jumped grabbing the shaft to the roof. She climbed up setting her quiver on the ground. She saw the hordes of demons come crashing through gates. She sat up and pulled the arrow back and started shooting them hitting a demon every time.
Sage let out a hiss and she ran out of arrows. She quickly drew a rune on her arm and jumped off the roof pulling out her blade and landing in a crouch.
  "Papa, we are out numbered." She yelled out quickly killing a demon that was holding Anthony down. Mr. Hallowgreen started to say something when something landed in the middle of the yard. The demons retreated to his side and he stared them down.
  "Why hello, as you may know I'm Ace Morningstar I'm the human representative for my father. Lucifer. And you know where he is. Now tell me and I'll call off my demons. You have 24 hours or it gets worse." He said snapping his fingers and disappearing.

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