51. <3

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A/N - Hello Hello :) 


"No, you're time of dominance is over chae. It's my turn."

"No." Chaeyoung whined, already feeling her body weaken by Jungkook's dark gaze. 

"Are you on the pill?"  He was waiting in anticipation, but he couldn't fuck anything up, considering the situation they were in. 

"W-what? U-uh, n-no." 

"A-are...are you at a time when you're not fertile?" He preferred sex without a condom, since it felt so much better.

"I--I don't know right now."  They've had unprotected sex before. Chaeyoung's periods were regular, and usually on her period app, she would keep track of her fertility time, to prevent any pregnancy.

But right now, she had no damn idea and it really wasn't her concern.

She just wanted her aching desire to be pleased.

"That's okay." Jungkook spoke with a restricted tone, looking around the room.

Don't even ask why he brought some condoms on this trip.

At least he had it handy. 

"Wait a second, okay?"  Jungkook cupped his hand gently on her cheek, leaning closely to kiss her forehead. 

"Mhmm." Chaeyoung nodded, feeling a bit disappointed but confused to what was going on. Was this the end of it? Was he just going to end it here, and jack off to himself?

She wanted to get f*cked, and that's all she cared about at that moment. 

He got off the bed, Chaeyoung's eyes following where he moved. He walked towards his half opened luggage, digging through the bottom of his clothes, taking a little package.

Ah...chaeyoung came to realization. And the thought of Jungkook's reaction made her heart burst in warmth.

At least he wasn't being a jackass, and was taking over her irrationality and desperation, not wanting to screw things up. You never know...and unprotected sex was definitely a risk.

They weren't even together, so if something like...pregnancy occurred, their lives would've been negatively affected, especially Jungkook.

Even though she never felt the regret with being intimate with Jungkook that very moment, she would definitely feel bad if she messed up for Jungkook. Plus, she definitely wasn't ready to be a mother. 

Chaeyoung could hear the package being ripped open, as he ripped it with his teeth. Quickly and clumsily, trying to put the condom over his d*ck, he hissed in discomfort.

"Damn, I gotta buy a new brand. This rubber shit hurts." It only hurt at that moment, but obviously when the love began, that wasn't even a concern.

Chaeyoung couldn't help but laugh, as she leaned back, her elbows helping her sit partially upright. 

After the beautiful magic, chae leans against jungkook's chest, looking at the man upwards admiringly.

This was the man she truly loved, and there was no way in hiding.

She didn't know what he thought of this entire situation. Did he think it was a mistake? Did he find it the same pleasure as she did, perhaps even more? 

What were his thoughts? 

She didn't know, and it was okay to not know for now. She appreciated the silence that overtook the both, after such a passionate and beautiful moment they shared. 

She wanted to deny it, but you can't control you who love.

You just can't. 

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