Author's Note

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Hello, and thank you so much for deciding to read my story!

This one means the world to me, and I learned so much about writing through it.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

Before you begin, however, I would like to mention a few things.

First off, this story follows the book canon. Both Harry Potter and Cursed Child  book canon. Not movie canon.

Secondly, with that said, it takes place during Astoria's years at Hogwarts, and the years leading up to the main plot of Cursed Child. If you have not read Cursed Child, no worries! This story can still be understood and enjoyed without it, however, most of the information and clues we have as to who Astoria was were derived from Cursed Child.

Now, curl up with a butterbeer, perhaps a chocolate frog or pepper imp, and enjoy seeing the life of Astoria Greengrass-Malfoy.

(As per usual in all fanfiction, I do not claim to own any of these characters. I am simply filling in all the blanks left open in regards to the allusive character of Astoria Greengrass, but all rights go to JK Rowling for creating the character and the universe)

(Also, this story is completely written and finished, and will be updated every Saturday and Tuesday.)

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