Chapter Nine

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I spend the next day, Sunday, alone in my vacant dorm doing homework, studying -- anything to keep myself busy without having to go into the common room and deal with Pansy and her she-goblins.

The next two weeks mirrored the previous; detention and more detention. Draco sat in his usual spot for dinner, but Pansy was a noticeable few-feet farther from him than usual, still annoyed at his telling her off the other night.

I felt like I wanted to say something to him, talk some more, but maybe that was wrong of me. Perhaps September thirteenth's events meant something different to me than him. I had thought I was making another friend, but I suppose he was just being nice. After a lifetime of only being close to a sister, I think I was getting a little ambitious in the 'friend making department'. After all, just having Holly's acquaintanceship was more than I'd ever expected.

Going around the school and anticipating everyone to suddenly find me interesting was ridiculous. Still, I'd thought Draco did. How naive.

My suspicions were proven correct when September changed to October, and still, not a word from him.

I tried to brush it off, it was all good -- who needed Draco Malfoy anyways? I'd gone five years without holding a real conversation with the kid, why did it matter now?

When the months changed I realized my travel-ban to Hogsmeade was thereby lifted. I thought about maybe inviting Holly, that Joss girl, and her brother, Caleb, out with me, reprising our suspended plans.

But after much mental debate, I'd decided maybe that wasn't the best idea.

With Draco's half-refusal of friendship in mind, it dawned in me that perhaps Holly was just exceedingly nice, that's all. She wasn't looking for a life-long friendship. Boundaries, Astoria.

So, the first friday of October, I headed over to the Three Broomsticks by myself. It was crowded, full of Hogwarts students and teachers among the ordinary wizards. I squeezed into a seat at the bar, not wanting to take up a whole table for myself.

"What'd you have, las?" the waiter asked, a toothpick in the corner of his mouth.

"Just a Butterbeer, please," I said.

So I sat there with my Butterbeer.

Wow. This was boring. Maybe I should've just stayed at school, or invited Holly. I was staring off into space, tuned out from the world, leaning on my palm, when the chair next to me scraped along the stone floors with an obnoxious, grinding screech.

"Oh, sorry about that," said the voice of whoever caused the noise, now sitting. I turned to look at him, and a hurricane of thoughts all marked with abrasive question marks flooded my mind.

It was Draco. Draco Malfoy. Sitting next to me.

So did September thriteenth's events actually mean something? Did he even realize who he was sitting next to until I turned around? Was this a coincidence, or did he purposely sit by me? Was he taller? He looked taller. Was he smiling? That was unusual, I mean, he smiled that day on the balcony, but no one was around -- I didn't know Draco Malfoy smiled in public.

Was he even the same kid that I used to know? Slytherin king, ferret-faced, Potter-hating, Draco Malfoy, or was he different now, for good? Was he always like 'Balcony Draco', was that his new default, or was he still the same swaggering jerk? If he was this new and improved Draco 2.0, then why didn't he talk to me for three weeks? Did he forget? What was it? And why did I always refer to him as 'Draco Malfoy' even in my thoughts? AH! Why are my palms so sweaty?

I was going in circles. Oh God, he was staring at me. It was probably glaringly obvious that donuts were being made in the drag race of thoughts coursing through my head. Say something, Astoria. What did he say to you again? 'Sorry', he said 'sorry' about the noise. How do you respond to that?

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