Chapter Thirty Seven

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It was a quite disquieting phenomenon, to leave the house with Scorpius, and reenter without him. The whole house felt weird, off kilter without him in it. I was missing him more than was probably normal. I mean, hundreds of parents sent their kids off to Hogwarts every year, right? They're all fine and well, so why was I in knots?

But each of my attempts at reassurance were counter acted by the unwavering bit of pessimism creeping behind each comforting affirmation.

Why was I in knots when loads of kids go off to Hogwarts every year? Well -- not only because I missed him and had no way of knowing if he was eating properly, or going to sleep at a reasonable time, or happy in any way shape or form -- but because he had the added bonus of preconceived rumors and taunts awaiting him.

Hogwarts is safe, there's nothing to worry about. I laughed ruefully at my own thought. Yeah, safe. Oh dear Lord he better be safe. . . .

He's bound to have made at least a few friends, right? I wrung my hands, completely unsure if this was true or not. He should have, but. . . . I shook off the notion, it being too worrisome to even ponder.

He would be okay. He would be happy; he'd been dreaming about this since he was little. He'sokayhe'sokayhe'sokayhe'sokay, I told myself over and over. However, there was only one way to be sure, but it still hadn't come.

It was the day after he'd arrived at Hogwarts, and I'd not yet received a letter from him.

But that's okay -- maybe it's a sign he is busy with friends! And, come on Astoria, he's not five -- I'm sure his first thought once he arrived wasn't "Oh, let me send mummy a letter." You're being ridiculous -- just, relax.

But I couldn't relax. I could do anything but relax.

And then, it came.

I was sitting at the table, tapping my fingers incessantly on the wood, waiting for the post. Draco was sitting, stoic-eyed, slowly sipping tea.

He had been acting very odd indeed since we dropped Scorpius off -- not that I'm one to talk -- very quiet, very still.

Finally, finally, the owl came, swooping low near the window, settling on the sill. I scrambled up like a moron, and hurried over to retrieve the post.

"AH -- IT'S HERE-- It's -- phew, his letter --"

Draco looked up, eyes wide, lips parted, just as apprehensive as I, just doing a better job concealing it.

I tore open the seal, and read, my heart aflutter with a nervous excitement:

"Dear Mum and Dad,

Hello! How are you guys? It feels really, very odd to be writing to you and not just talking. Anyhow, I found the library, and may I just say, it makes the Malfoy Manor bookshelves shutter in comparison! I mean, I'm sure you remember, but wow! It's utterly unimaginable!"

"Come on Scorpius, get to the point. . . ." Draco muttered as I continued;

"But that's besides the point. I'm very happy to report that I'm currently writing this in the Slytherin Common Room! (which really is very nice, I might add.)

Anyways, Hogwarts seems incredible. I've only been to a few, but the classes are absolutely fascinating (my favorite so far is History of Magic).

It seems -- though it is rather early so I'm not getting my hopes up, and I recommend you guys don't either -- that I've actually made a friend! Your sweets worked!

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