Chapter 5

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"Dinners ready!" Aunt Hail yells from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I yell so she can hear me.

I walk down the stairs to the dinning room. We usually eat dinner like a family would do. I mean they are my family. But they're not my mom and dad.

I love my aunt and uncle though.

"So Harley how was your day?" Uncle James asked me.

"It was good" I say under my breath.

"Did you make any friends?" Aunt Hail asks me eating her food.

I pick at mine. I wasn't really hungry. Nor do I ever eat that much dinner.

"Um..not really" I say shyly leaving my head down.

"Is something bothering you?" My aunt asks me while she stops eating her food.

"Oh um..sorry no nothing is wrong just thinking" I say shaking my head and putting on a fake smile while I lie.

"Good" she says picking up her fork again.

"Any boys I have to kill?" My uncle says.

I chuckle at that. My dad always used to say that.

" boys you have to kill" I say laughing while I know there's a twinkle in my eyes.

"I know you better then that missy who is he?" My aunt asks wiggling her eyebrows.

"There's no boy" I say shaking my head.

Don't lie to yourself.

"Ok whatever you say Harley" she says rolling her eyes.

"Thank you for dinner" I say nodding my head at my aunt.

"It's no problem" she says giving me a smile.

"I'm going to finish up homework then" I say walking out of the room.
I walk up to my locker. But there was a crowd standing around. I wonder why? What did they do this time?

"Excuse me-" I say pushing the people away but noticing people taking pictures.

There on my locker says "you should die slut". I know who wrote it. It hurt. Like a lot.

"Shows over motherfukers!" a voice in the crowd yells.

I know that voice. It was Kason. Why?

The crowd immediately goes away. People walking away. Just leaving Kason behind me.

"Hey don't listen to them" Kason says going to my side.

"Just stop"I say under my breath.

I open my locker so I don't have to talk to him. But he closes it.

"Harley I'm trying to be your friend. I just want one friend. I was in your position once" he says not moving his hand off my locker.

"In my position? Yeah sure" I say scoffing and rolling my eyes.

"Believe it or not I'm a loner too Harley not just you" he says in a stern voice.

"Kason your not in my position ok" I say looking at him.

"I just want to be your friend" he says raising his eyebrows.

I look into his eyes. They show emotion. Lost? Sad?hopeful? He wanted me to be his friend? Why would he?

"Why do you want to be my friend?" I ask stepping back away from my locker.

"I'm not a charity case ok. I'm the bullied girl who gets called a slut and a bitch. Who gets food dumped on her and tripped for no reason! You don't need to save me Kason. I can handle on my own" I say while I try my best not to cry.

"Harley I don't see you has a charity case. I don't think I need to save you. I want a friend for a change" he say putting his head down.

"Did someone put you up to this?" I ask looking in the halls.

"Someone like who?" He asks.

"I don't talk to anyone" he says rolling his eyes.

"You talk to Kayla" I say scoffing.

"I don't. I want to be your friend" he says again.

"Kason..I can't trust anyone anymore ok" I say walking away.

It's true I can't trust anyone anymore. I could never.
Even if I wanted him to be my friend. He would hurt me.

I could take being hurt again.
Thank you for reading.
Until next time my friends.😊

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