Accusation (Chapter 1)

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• Izuku POV •
"Detective, there has been another case."
"What's the case Iida?"
"6 men accused of kidnapping, and additionally rape. The rape part is just a rumour though."
"It better just be a rumour. Thanks Iida. What would I do without you?" I hugged my assistant and drove to the address he gave me. I rung the doorbell and waited on the porch.
"Guys, it's the detective! Hurry." A man said.
I examined the exterior of the house as I waited. It wasn't a house. It was a goddamn mansion! They could be hiding anything in there!
A tired purple haired boy, looking about 18, answered the door.
"Welcome Detective Izuku, my name's Hitoshi Shinsou."
"Nice to meet you Shinsou." I said, tipping my hat.
"My.. associates wish to meet you too, Detective." Shinsou said.
"Alright." I smiled at him, and follow him into a large room where 5 other men sat.
"That one's Katsuki, that one is Shoto, that numb skull is Neito, that's Denki, and Eijiro."
"Alright boys," I said, "where is the victim?"
"Here." Shinsou said, wrapping his arms around me. A hand covered my mouth as I try and scream. The others stood up and walked closer.  I kicked and screamed, but it's was no use, I was out cold.

• Kaminari POV •
Our scheme to kidnap the Detective has been going on for weeks. We just needed a believable lie, hope the Detective would come and boom! Well, I don't know why we did it, but we did. I think Katsuki and Shoto wanted to do something with him, but I know the rest of us -Neito, Hitoshi, Eijiro and evening me- want to get closer to him somehow.
"Hey Neito," I asked him, "What are we doing with the Detective?"
"I don't know. I think Katsuki and Shoto wanted to run a few tests or something. Again, I don't know." He responded.
See? I knew they wanted to do something.
"Thanks Neito, I'll ask Shoto."
I walked to Shoto's study and see him tying up the Detective.
"Aye Shoto," I said casually, "What are you doing with the Detective?"
"Oh me? I'm just gonna toy with him." He said, tightening the ropes.
"Does Katsuki have anything to do with this?" I asked him.
"Katsuki's gonna run a few tests on the Detective."
"Ohhh ok thanks Shoto." I thanked him and rushed to Neito.
"Neito! Neito!"
"What is it Denki?"
"Shoto told me what they're going to do with the Detective!" I said excitedly.
"What are they doing?"
"Shoto's just gonna toy with the poor guy, and Katsuki's gonna run some tests."
"What are you two giggling about now?"
"Oh Hitoshi, we're just discussing what Katsuki and Shoto are doing with the Detective. Are you gonna do anything to him Hitoshi?"
"Maybe. I'm still thinking."
"I have a thought," I said out of no where, "I think Shoto's gonna lock him in the basement and do stuff there."
"Denki, that's weird. You dirty minded or something?"
"I've always been affected by dirty thoughts."
"That's just sad." Neito said, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

• time skip to night •
• Shoto POV •
"Alright Detective Izuku, lets see what you know."
Izuku squirmed in the chair I tied him to.
"What do you want from me Shoto?!" He demanded.
"Ooh feisty aren't you?" I said, walking over to him.
"No! S-Stay back!" He screamed, shutting his eyes.
"Come on Detective, don't be like this," I said in a lullaby-like tone. I sat in his lap and placed my forearms on his shoulders, "Don't want anything too bad happening so we?"
I used by hand to move his face, to look me in the eyes.
"Nothing too bad's gonna happen." I reassured him, "Katsuki's just gonna run some tests on you that's all. And you might be getting some visits from others too."
I think that made him stressed.
"The tests aren't gonna be too long though."
"Th-That's not what I'm worried about." He whispered, "How long am I going to be here? M-My assistant Iida might get scared if I'm gone for m-more than a week."
"Look, Detective, we haven't decided on a time to take you back, because my idiots of roommates are still arguing about that."
The smaller boy nodded slowly with glossy eyes, but didn't spill any tears.
"C-Can you get off? Y-You're pressing against my bladder."
"Oh, sorry Detective."
"B-Before you go.. can I ask a question?"
"Fire away."
"Why am I here?"
"Katsuki's been wanting to have 'guests' over for ages. He's always wanting to run tests on different people. I guess it keeps him busy."
The Detective seemed shocked at something. Staring into my eyes, lost in his own mind.
"Now, be a good boy and nothing too bad will happen." I said, leaving him alone.

Detective Izuku (Dekubowl!) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now