Blue Haired, Red Eyed Beast

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• Izuku POV •
I woke up, my head throbbing. I groaned. Pain coursing through my body. I groaned again. Something moved out of the corner of my eye. 'what was that?' a small security camera in the corner of the exposed brick wall. It wasn't the biggest of rooms, but it wasn't the smallest either. I crawled around the place, in hopes for an opening. I noticed a small vent. I could just squeeze through, but then decided ow wasn't the best of times. Because I heard footsteps. I put my acting mask on, and whimpered in the corner.

"Aww, little Izuku scared? 'Don't worry', I won't do anything to hurt me." He laughed.

After that sentence I was genuinely terrified. He inched closer to me, pulling out a leather strap from his pocket. His walking picked up pace, then he leaped on top of me. I screamed and cried for help, but my screams were silent, no one heard me. I felt something stab against my neck, two prongs? I pulled at the collar like thing around my neck, unable to take it off. The man smirked at my misery. There was a name tag on his collar, that read, 'Tomura Shigaraki'. Shigaraki twirled something in his fingers, a remote on a keychain?

He pressed a small, silver button, and pain coursed through my neck. I screamed, and cried, I begged for it stopped, tears streaming down my face. It just didn't stop. Throughout all of this, Shigaraki was smiling. That.. bastard. He eventually stopped, tear streaks staining my cheeks. I smelt burnt flesh, then I remembered the prongs stabbing into my neck from earlier. That, my 'friend' is a shock collar at work. Red liquid eased down my neck, down my arm and torso, staining the floor. My green locks sticking to my forehead.

"Hey Dabi, come check this out." Shigaraki cackled.

I froze.

'I.. I know him..'

Ahaha, I vanished. And I'm back. With a ridiculously short chapter. I've kind of lost motivation to write, it's not you guy's fault or anything, I just don't feel like writing everyday. I hope you understand. I'm gonna out this story on hold, on a cliffhanger (cackles like a witch).
Until we meet again,
~ Author-nim

Detective Izuku (Dekubowl!) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now