I Know Him..

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'I..I know him..'

"Dabi? Dude, get your eyes checked out. You were staring at Izuku for 5 minutes what's your problem?" Shigaraki hissed.


Dabi stared at me, "Don't call me be that hideous name Izuku." He said spitting.

My heart was shattered. I knew Touya, not 'Dabi'. I remember the day we met..

• Flashback •

"You need help there?"

I looked up to see a boy my age about, maybe older by a few years. His face was clean, his eyes were a sparkling, shiny blue, and his hair was a bright beautiful red. He stuck his hand out and I took it. I rubbed my arm awkwardly, trying to avoid eye contact with me. I saw that he frowned, cupping my face and tilting it up so he was staring into my eyes. Then, his face changed, a smile pricked the corners of his mouth. Out of no where, he started singing;

Maybe this is crazy, crazy just to wonder,
Wonder is there's someone meant for you,
Sunshine when it's raining, raining over lovers,
Lovers in the shade of, the colour blue..

• End of flashback •
"But is there, someone to give it all?" I whispered.

Dabi seemed to flinch at those words. "We all wannabe someone's.. wanna be someone's someone."

"With somebody we can't live without." I said, a lump forming in my throat.

Memories flashed by, Toya's skin slowly becoming purple, begging each other to hold on with painful looking surgical staples. Toya telling me about how he wanted to run away, or rather end his life. Him telling me how his youngest brother was being abused. I asked him what his brother's name was. He replied, "Shoto."

Then it hit me.

"Y-You're a.. Todoroki? Toya, do you know Shoto?" I asked.

Dabi flinched again, "H-He's not my brother, he's just a half-half scum." He spat.

"So you do know him.. god damn it!" I screamed out of no where, "I've been living with Shoto for these past few months! He has photos of his family, got rid of one person! He didn't tell me his name, but now I know. It was your face. Your hideous face with those disgraceful looking burn marks!" I was having a full out tantrum.

Dabi looked at me in a way I'd never thought, "You sound just like my disgusting father! He's the reason I left and never came back! He's the reason I left you!" He screamed back.

"Exactly, you left me Toya! You left me there, broken. You didn't think, 'Oh, my old friend Izuku's now a world famous detective, has everyone running after him!' No! You didn't. You never cared! You never showed any affection back to me!" I screamed, tears running down my face.



Dabi looked hurt, but I mean, he deserved it. "C-Come Tomura, let's leave."

Shigaraki and Dabi left the room, leaving me alone once again. I remembered the vent. I jammed it open and crawled my way outta there as fast as I could.

• later cause I'm a lazy shitbag •
• Shoto POV •

I spun my head around, "I-Izuku?!"

He ran to me, open arms, "I was so worried! Don't do that ever again." I cried into his green locks.

"I-I'm sorry Shoto, I-I have something to tell you.. the people who kidnapped me were your brother and this other guy with blue hair." He whispered.

"My.. brother.. you mean, Dabi? He kidnapped you?"

He nodded, as we cried together, soon earning the attention of Hitoshi, Denki, Eijiro and Neito. Katsuki was locked in his room, not because he did anything, it's just cause he thought it was his fault Izuku left. Katsuki's point of view of Izuku changed, he wasn't hungry for sex anymore, he wanted some sorta friendship with him. I wouldn't know, and I certainly wouldn't care that much either.

We cried for ages, all of us. The sun eventually set and we sat down at the dinner table. Eating in a comfortable silence.

Hi, I've disappeared for ages now. I'm experiencing serious writer's block. Feel free to send me suggestions in the comments. This chapter's shoutout goes to; @hisashi123 for giving me support. Have a nice day, stay safe, and wash your hands ;-;
~ Katsu-Mei

Hey.. um, writer's block is still here. I have no ideas, I really need some, please. I just wanted to say that I'm making not one.. but two more bxb stories. Still in the making, I'll tell when they're out.
That means, sadly, I'm going to neglect this book further. I'm really really sorry, I really am, but I like writing books that revolve around my own characters. I really hope you understand. Those who do understand I'm really sorry. I hope you all don't hate me, I hope you all stay safe, I hope you all are doing great.
Comment some suggestions if you want.
~ Love your sorry author, Katsu-Mei
I hope you all don't hate me.
P.S, the new books, one's called 'Waiting For Love' the other's 'Happiness Looks Gorgeous On You'. I'm sorry, see you next time.

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