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So I've been getting a few requests to continue this book. If you haven't already noticed, it says 'Discontinued' in the title and despite many upon many warnings about writers block and no motivation they keep coming. I'm not angry, just tired. Tired like most of you out there reading this now.

I may continue this book, but please do not expect the 'high quality' story from chapters 1-4 or so. Put suggestions here, on this line of words. I'll look at them and if I deem yours okay, I'll write the chapter and give you a shoutout.

Also, I'd like to address something to my followers. Please refrain from putting stuff in my message board, and don't message me through Wattpad message. I cannot respond to those, because Wattpad is a bitch and won't let me respond.

Thank you for your time, sincerely yours,
Katsu-Mei 🤍

Detective Izuku (Dekubowl!) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now