Second Night (Chapter 5)

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• Izuku POV •
I woke up to the sound of a burning fireplace. My eyes just won't open. I gasped, and I heard footsteps.

"Shhhh, Izuku, it's ok." A familiar voice said.

"S-Shoto..?" My eyes seemed to be glued shut.

"Don't worry, you're ok. It's 9:00pm, you should sleep." He said.

"Shoto, I'm old enough to stay up." I complained.

I felt a tingly sensation over my eyes. Like, something was hovering over them. Then, my eyes opened.

"How did you..?"

"Secret." He winked.

I sat up, looking into his dual coloured eyes. They're captivating to say the least. I found myself lost in them, staring at them. I snapped out of it when Shoto stood up and walked to the door.

"You coming?"

I nodded, and scrambled out of his bed. My eyes being slightly sluggish, I clung to Shoto's arm as my eyes were half open. I was soon to pass out for some reason. Well, to be honest, it was probably due to my lack of sleep.

• Shoto POV •
Izuku seemed to have fallen asleep while leaning on my arm. I smiled at the smaller boy, and hoisted him up bridal style. I carried him downstairs and caught Denki watching Spongebob in the lounge room.

"Evening Shoto!" He waved.

"Heya Denki." I replied.

"Awww the Detective's adorable with you like that." Denki laughed, admiring (?) the broccoli boy in my arms.

"You think?" I said, looking down on him. Izuku curled up into my chest, as a source of warmth. Denki was right I suppose, he was pretty adorable.

"Well, I guess you could say today was somewhat productive."  Denki sighed.

"Katsuki always has something that surprises us all." I groaned.

"That's the bad thing about the damn porcupine."

"Did you just call Katsuki a porcupine?"

"Huh? Maybe?"

I checked my phone, 9:16pm. Izuku's words replayed in my head, 'Shoto, I'm old enough to stay up.'
Despite his words, I paused Denki, and carried Izuku back to my room. I tucked him in, and gently kissed him on the forehead. I clicked the lights off, and closed the door.
I spent the rest of the night talking to Denki about the stupid stuff he's done in high school.

• time skip morning cause why tf not •
• Izuku POV •
I woke up slowly again, this time, Shoto not in sight. I raid his closet, and find a sky blue sweater. About 3 sizes too big for me, perfect. I also found some shorts, also big. Meh, I don't really care. I carefully opened the door and peaked around the corner. Nothing. I sighed in relief and walked down the halls. I was still getting used to Shoto's fricking mansion, so I had had no idea where I was going. Occasionally I heard a 'creeeeeeeek' noise. I turned my head, nothing. I turned around to see the Katsuki I'm front of me. Our faces separated by millimetres. I yelped in surprise, and stumbled backwards.

"K-Katsuki! W-What are you doing here?" I laughed nervously.

"Oh, you know," he said, checkin' out his nails, "business as usual."

I nodded slowly, not believing him the slightest. Then it dawned on me. If I find you lingering these halls alone, you can expect the worst. Katsuki's words replayed in my head from last night. My face went white and I sped off in the opposite direction.

"Where do you think you're going? Detective Izuku?" Katsuki sneered, chasing right after me.

Tears strung my eyes, semi-blinding my vision. I screamed for Shoto.

"Aww Izuku, crying for help." Katsuki teased, right on my tail, "Shoto's not here. He's at work."

The words crashed down on me, and I stopped running. Before I knew it, I was pressed up against a body. I cried, fearing what would happen next.

"Katsuki you bastard." Someone murmured.

"Denki Kaminari." Katsuki growled.

"Come Izuku, let's get away from this lunatic." Denki said, ushering us away.

A few tears fell from my eyes, but of happiness that someone had come. I cried into Denki's arms, and he whispered that I'd be ok.

• Denki POV •
God I felt so bad for the Detective. Katsuki's always been a huge pain, but he's gone crazy at this point.

"W-When's coming back?" The detective cried softly.

"Already picking favourites huh?" I laughed, "He'll be back soon."

The Detective buried his face in my chest, attempting to conceal himself from the world. I tried to calm him, then a figure walked around the corner.

"Jeez, is it just me or is Katsuki just a sex hungry beast?" Neito sighed.

"Not just you." I laughed again.


"Yes Izuku?" The other boy smiled.

The Detective sighed in relief, but still remained sad.

"What's wrong Izuku?" I asked the smaller boy.

"I just.. don't like Katsuki."

"Not just you Izuku," I smiled, "I feel like the only one that actually likes Katsuki as a friend, is Eijiro."

"Oh, don't get me started on those two." Neito sighed face palming.

The small boy laughed quietly, the sound of angels.

"Hey Izuku, how old are you?"


My eyes shot open, "Most if us are 17 or 18! Katsuki should be arrested for rape of a minor."

"He should just be arrested for all the stupid stuff he's done." Neito laughed sarcastically.

A/N: haha I'm back! Sorry for not updating, I was just stuck on ideas. Feel free to leave suggestions ;-; Thanks for reading this shit. Bye, love you all.
Love, Author-nim

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