First Day (Chapter 2)

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• Izuku POV •
I awoke with a start, groaning from the ropes bound to me. Over night they had cut into my skin, even rubbing my body ever so slightly, would cause some sort of pain. There was an ash-blonde male in front of me. He was holding a clipboard and pen. The person seemed to be taking notes on me. Why am I so special? I'm just a well-known detective.

"He's awake, Shoto, can you put him under again?" He said into a radio in his ear.

"Sorry Katsuki, ran out of pills."

The other male groaned in annoyance and faced me again, "So, Detective Izuku. How was your first night?"

Seriously? What did this guy think I was? Crazy? I don't think so. "Uncomfortable."

"The name's Katsuki Bakugo. Don't try anything funny, or I'll stab you with rat poison."

'Jee, extra much.'

He leaned into my face and examined my body. It made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I twitched a bit.

"Don't twitch Detective."

"I-I'm trying not to, but you're just s-so close I.." I stuttered out.

He leaned in more, our faces less than an inch apart, "I can get closer if you want."

His face was leaning in, and his hands were placed on my chest. Made it kind of hard to breathe. I painted heavily, grunting from time to time. He placed his hand in my lower area, and circled the area. Making me twitch, tingle, and wince.

"Come on Detective, I have a case." Katsuki purred in my ear, "You're missing your virginity."

He quickly untied me and watched me scramble to the corner of the room. I was shaking as I curled up into a ball. I feared him now.

"Come here Izuku."

'Now, be a good boy and nothing too bad will happen.'
Shoto's words replayed in my head. I hesitated, not wanting to, but I knew I was helpless in this situation. I reluctantly stood, and slowly walked over to the man standing in front of me.

"W-What do you want.." I shakily asked him.

"Good boy." Katsuki smiled evilly.


I was a panting mess on the floor, tear marks staining my freckled face. Katsuki was still on top of me, wiping the sweat off his forehead. We were both naked, on the cold floor, a mess of white liquid on the walls and floor. The tears in my eyes threatened to fall, as I could escape this grasp. I rushed to my trousers, hastily put them on and rushed out of the room. Remembering these people owned a goddamn mansion, I struggled to find the exit. I bumped into a blonde haired boy on my way. He vividly reminded me of Katsuki and I started balling my eyes out.

"Hey hey! Why are you crying?" He said, panicking.

I couldn't form any words, I just.. continued crying.

"Hey, aren't you the Detective?" He asked me, sitting next to me.

I scrambled away from him, afraid of what he could do. I whimpered as he slowly crawled closer to me.

"S-Stay away from me!!" I screamed at him.

He stopped, and kneeled on his knees. About one or two metres away from me.

Detective Izuku (Dekubowl!) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now