Break In

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• Izuku POV •

As I cry into Shoto's arms, the other's crowd around me. Hugging me and telling me everything was okay. I yelp as I feel a sharp pain jolt in my neck. Then I remember I hadn't taken off the shock collar..

I pull away from the boys and yank ferociously at the collar, growling and hissing. Denki and Shoto rush for my side, helping me take it off. Shoto unclasps it and it falls to the ground. I hiss at it, glaring into it's non existent soul. I dry the tears from my eyes and walk over to the kitchen. Most of the boys stay in the other room, kicking and stepping -'accidentally'- on the collar.

"What's cooking Izu?" Hitoshi asks smiling a bit.

"Just the basics, a few eggs." I smile back.

All was quiet until I started singing a song..

"I won't lie to you, I know she's just, not right for you," I smile humming, "And you can-"

"Tell me if I'm off, but I see it on your face when you say that she's the one that you want." Hitoshi laughs cutting me off.

"And you're spending all your time in this wrong situation and anytime you want it to stop?" Shoto smiles walking into the kitchen.

"I know I can treat you better, than he can," Denki chimes in.

"And any girl like you deserves, a, gentleman," I continue grinning.

"Tell me why are we wasting time on all you're wasted crime when you could be with me instead?" Neito chuckles.

"I know I can treat you better," Eijiro grins, pointing to Katsuki.

"Better than he can." He mutters.

We all laugh at the fact we just sung a song together. It was a good feeling, us bonding.. kind of.

"Izu you're gonna burn the eggs!" Hitoshi warns.

I yelp and throw the egg on a plate, pathetically. I sigh and the others chuckle. My misfortune is hilarious isn't it? I feel warm arms wrap around me, and turn my head. A smiling Denki faces me. I smile back at him.

"Screw these eggs." I mutter, putting the pan in the sink. I dump the egg in the bin, and sit on a bar stool.

Everyone laughs, except Katsuki. He's staring off out the window.

"Whatcha starin' at Katsuki?" Neito asks.

His eyes squint. Then widen. In a swift movement, a figure breaks through the glass. Shards flying everywhere. We scream and clutch our heads. The figure stands up. Shines black hair, a half purple face, piercing blue eyes.

Shoto's face goes white. "What are you doing here?!" He demands.

"Aww, shocked to see your older brother huh?" Dabi laughs.

"Older brother?!" We ask loudly simultaneously.

Shoto's jaw tenses, "What do you want?" He growls.

"I'm a simple man, I want the detective. I want to sell him." He says, pointing at me with his long finger.

Denki's arms tighten around me, "No! You can't have him!" He yells.

Dabi frowns, the others form a protection circle around me. "You scum, take one step, and we won't hesitate to stab you." Hitoshi commands.

Dabi raises his hands defensively, "I don't need to move. I have workers to do the work for me."

Then I hear a grunt, it comes from Shoto. There's a girl with messy buns and a black mask and black uniform. She's holding two knives, the size of box-cutters. She seems very skilled with them. Another man shows up, his hair a messy shade of light blue. It's Shigaraki, he's also sporting the black uniform. The others growl and scream, barely able to hold them off.

I feel helpless, but there's nothing I can do other then get hurt or taken. A scream tears through me when I see Katsuki leap in front of me. The blonde girl's knife jabbing into his flesh.

"K-KATSUKI!" I scream in terror.

Even with the mask, I can see the girl smirk. She grabs my wrist -now that I had no protection- and dragged me off. I scream for Shoto, but he's busy fighting Shigaraki. I pull against her, but her grip is just so strong. It hurts my wrist.

"L-Let me go!" I half-beg half-order.

She shows no sign of remorse and everything goes black.

Haha, hi. I was kinda lying when I said 'upload every 1-2 months'. It's maybe, I dunno, 2-3 months? Sorry. I'm too caught up in my bxb stories. The titles and stories have changed, still two, but the titles are different. One's called 'The New Kid' the second's called 'The Light At The End Of Your Tunnel'. Check them out if you like.

I'll probably be gone for another month or something, I'm so so soooo sorry. I hope you understand, I'm so sorry I keep repeating this message. Thanks for your time.

Detective Izuku (Dekubowl!) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now