Slice Of Life (Ojiro x Shinsou)

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Quick explanation: this is a place where quirks are a thing. Ojiro works as a police officer, and Shinsou is a shady drug dealer. Ojiro doesn't know about Shinsou's quirk, they have no idea who they are. If you end up liking this, you can tell me in the comments.
This is not part of the Dekubowl. Because if it was Shinsou would be crushing on Deku, not Ojiro.

Mashirao Ojiro
As I patrol the streets of Japan, the smell of tobacco engulfs my nose. I scrunch up my nose and follow it. It leads to a shady back alley, and a man with messy purple hair and black clothes.

"Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to stop smoking. You're disturbing the civilians." I order.

He takes the cigarette out of his mouth, and puffs out a cloud of smoke. "Oh would you like to know?"

Shivers run up my spine as he suddenly appears behind me. My tail straightens and I flinch. He smirks.

"Officer tell me, what's your name?" He asks, mischief lingering his tone.

I decide to man up and respond. Inhaling, then speaking, "Oji-"

I freeze.

Hitoshi Shinsou
Stupid officer, doesn't know anything about his citizens. Can't blame him, shady dudes like me don't exactly stand out in the limelight. The officer's kinda cute though. His face plastered with a blank stare, thinking off into space.

I click my fingers, "Follow me Officer." I smirk. He follows me without any will, he just keeps walking, and walking and walking. Even the officer's tail -assuming that's his quirk- is lifeless. It's as if I'm holding an invisible leash and he's the obedient dog.

Obedience huh, sounds hella kinky but whatever. I smirk at the slightly shorter being, his hair just ruffled up a big and hanging in front of his forehead. I stop and push his hair back. Now I know why Kpop stans find foreheads hot.

I keep leading him off, and eventually down a hill to my shady-ish house. It's a small house, but big enough for me and my two cats. Yeah I have cats okay, one black one Yuri, the other one a silver-grey Viktor.

You might be thinking, why did you involuntarily kidnap an officer? I don't do this often, like at all but I feel like I could get to know him. I certain he won't like me at first, but I can just take over his mind. Easy enough.

I push him into a room, bump into him on purpose -inactivating my quirk- and swiftly close and lock the door. I hear him screaming and banging on the door, but he's stuck. I smirk triumphantly, stupid officer.

Depending on your people's opinion, I might make a part 2 later. I'll slowly continue the Dekubowl, so yeah. Thanks for reading!
~ Katsu-Mei

Edit: I didn't want to disappoint any of you for not uploaded any new chapters, so I made this. I hope you can enjoy this, again thanks for reading.

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