Second Day (Chapter 4)

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• Still Shoto POV •
I woke up slowly, only to notice Izuku wasn't with me. I got naturally got worried and searched the house. I called his name, no reply. I asked the others, they were clueless. We ended up making a mini search party. The last option sent shivers down my spine: Katsuki.
I had a small panic attack and ran to his room, followed by Eijiro, Neito, Hitoshi, and Denki. Neito heard faint screams further down the hall, and the high pitches made me think it was positively Izuku screaming. I sprinted faster then I had ever run, and kicked open Katsuki's door.


No one was there. My ears picked up an extremely faint "SHOTO!!" My eyes went misty, blinded by anger. I dashed faster than a cheetah to the lake. The lake in front of the forest.


Katsuki was dragging him by his hair, to the forest. Izuku's screams echoed past the trees.

"IZUKU!!!" We all cried. I was an inch to tears, and the others were white as ghosts.

I raced time and just choked Katsuki. I punched him and screamed at him.

"You bastard!! What the hell are you doing?!!" I screamed. Izuku ran to the others, and cried into Eijiro's chest. It wasn't even 10 in the morning, and Izuku had already been traumatised for a second time.

• Eijiro POV •
The poor Detective. I hadn't really seen him, I'd only heard that Katsuki um.. it-ed him. I feel for the dude. He's only like, I don't know, I few months, maybe a few years younger than us. Is this what Katsuki really wanted with him?

"W-Wh *sniff* Wher-e's.. S-S-Sho- *sniff* t-to..?" The Detective cried.

"He's just over there." Neito replied, stoking his hair.

"Alright, Katsuki's out. Struck him with a frying pan I found lying around. Convenient huh?" Shoto laughed, dragging Katsuki by his collar, "what do we do with him?"

"Well, we made an oath, we wouldn't kick anyone out," Denki hummed, "But in this case, that might have to change."

"No. The oath stays, I say, we lock Katsuki in his room. Chain 'im up. Keep him there for as long as it takes." Hitoshi said calmly.

A/N: Katsuki stays for plot convenience ÙnÚ

"Sounds good." Eijiro chimed in, the rest of us nodding.

I still had Izuku in my arms, he was shaking.

"Don't worry Izuku, we'll keep him far away from you, promise." I whispered to him.

"P-P-Pro-Promis-e..?" He whimpered.

I smiled and nodded, hugging him.

"If we're gonna do that, let's do it quickly." Shoto said, "Who's gonna help me chain him?"

Hitoshi raised his hand, and helped Shoto drag the dude to his room.
Boy do I miss the days before Katsuki was an absolute bi- uhh, biscuit. He used to be chill, when we used to hang with Mina and Sero. They were absolute crackheads, along with Denki, Katsuki used to always get angry at them for some reason. I was 'responsible' and stayed sane for their sakes. They went their own ways, after high school, and Denki just tagged along with us. We met up with Hitoshi and Shoto, and that's when we put our heads together and bought this heck of a place.
When Katsuki found out about Detective Izuku, he went nuts. He kept saying we should get him, but, Denki and Neito were hard to convince. It was out of no where, but I just rolled with it. Shoto seemed to always have a thing for him, and Hitoshi seemed to think a lot about him. It was kind of weird. Anyway, when we finally had out plan set out, we did it. Welp, there we were now, doing stuff with the world renounced Detective Izuku. In our house, by will. God what happened to us?

"Hey Izuku, how about we head to my room?" I suggested.

He looked up at me with glossy-ish eyes still, and nodded slowly.

"I know you don't know me well, but we can change that." I smiled at the smaller boy.

As I walked him to my room, I noticed he's been clinging to my arm. I smiled at the small boy, and acknowledged the adorable, green haired being. I opened my door, and he was surprised.

"It's even bigger than Shoto's!" He exclaimed, eyes open.

"Heh, I guess so." I replied,

My plain walls and ceiling stretched over him, meeting at a medium sized chandelier. It twinkled like Aoyama, and ever so slowly rotated a bit. Like Shoto's room, I had fairy lights, and room decorations. I had a desk, a massive bookshelf, a few cupboards, and a big bed. Unlike Shoto's room, I didn't have a fireplace, but instead I had a small snacks compartment. Izuku's eyes gleamed at the sight of the snacks.

"Hey Eijiro, can I have some Twisties?" He asked, a twinkle in his eyes.

"Sure, why not." I smiled, bending over.

I grabbed Izuku's Twisties and I got myself some Doritos. He gladly opened the packet, and began nomming on the chips. It was actually really cute, his cheeks puffing out when he bit down, and his smile making his face even cuter. His freckled face beaming at the taste of the chips. I snacked on my Doritos and admired the broccoli headed human next to me.

"Hey Izuku, it's almost lunch time. Wanna do anything before lunch?" I asked, chewing my triangular chips.

"Mmmm, I don't know." He shrugged, "Wanna show me anything before lunch?"

I thought for a moment, and then it hit me, "The flower garden!"

"You have a flower garden?!" He exclaimed, eyes wide.

"Yep, come on, we can ask Shoto to come too."

The excited broccoli ran out of my room beaming with happiness. I quickly followed him to Shoto's room. There he was reading a book before Izuku burst his door down.

"Shoto! Wanna come to the flower garden with us?" He smiled.

"Sure." The dual haired boy replied.

We strolled downstairs, and Shoto opened the door. It lead down, down, down. It was dark too, spoopy. Izuku clung to my arm again, and was psychically shaking. Shoto turned on a light, and the room screamed colour. Pink, baby blue, lilac, dark purple, fuchsia, white, yellow, orange, red, and of course green (💚)! Izuku's jaw dropped, and his eyes were as big as saucers. His eyes scanned the place, and he ran towards a big, pale green flower. He craned his neck up to look at its huge petals. He sat down and smiled.

'Holy crap holy crap holy crap! How can one being be so adorable?' I thought frantically.

Shoto 'coughed' to hide his blush, and diverted his attention to a small baby blue tulip. He stared at it. Not gonna lie, Shoto can be cocky at times.
time skip 30 mins later
Izuku had fallen asleep. Wow, just like that. I looked at Shoto, my eyes asked him a question, 'who's gonna carry him upstairs?'. The question floated around for a while, then Shoto picked him up like a child. Izuku curled up into a ball, staying close to his new-found comfort. He wrapped his arms around Shoto's torso, and the taller boy blushed a little. I smiled at him and walked back upstairs.

Quick shoutout! Thefairygirly ! You make me so happy when you actually like the stuff I write. You've supported me, you've made me smile countless times when I tune into Wattpad. Just so you know, I love you and everyone who likes my stories!

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