Red Hot Messes (Chapter 6)

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A/N: thank you Thefairygirly for the suggestions!

• Izuku POV •
I heard a 'ding dong' at the door. Followed by Eijiro calling, "I'll get it." There seemed to be another person at the door. High pitched squeals, and lots of laughing. I walked down the stairs to see what was going on. Eijiro was talking to a pink girl. (A/N: since this is no quirk AU, the person will be jacked out in pink UwU) I wasn't kidding when I said pink. I mean, pink. Pink jacket, pink shorts, short pink hair, a pink head band with cream 'horns', pink everything. Eijiro spotted me, and waved me over.

"Awww! It's the Detective!" The pink girl squealed.

"Izuku, meet Mina Ashido." Eijiro smiled, "She's a real close friend of Denki, Katsuki and mine."

"He's so cute in person!" Mina cried happily, "But wait, this must be real awkward. You kidnapped the dude, and now introducing him to a friend?"

Mina slapped Eijiro across the face, "You should be ashamed Eijiro Kirishima."

"Hey hey guys, calm down." I squeaked.


Mina caught up with everyone else, and then she seemed to have a sparkle in her eyes.

"Izuku, follow me!"

She dragged me into a room, and closed the door. I yelped in fear, and shut my eyes tight.

"Don't be scared of me Izuku." She pouted, "I'm not gonna hurt you."

She then pulled out an outfit. My face went white. Oh hell no. While my face was a white canvas, the blush flooded into my cheeks.

"Oh hell no Mina!" I squealed.

"Oh hell yes Mina!" She squealed back.

I knew I couldn't do anything, so I gave in. It was a skimpy maid outfit. Strapless, and the skirt was just at my crotch. There were two thigh high socks, and a ribbony head piece. The whole thing was black and white, my tomato of a face not making it any better.

"Alright let's show the others!!" Mina squealed excitedly.

"No no no! Wait Mina!" I couldn't even fight her because she was pulling me out of the room, and down to the lounge area.

"Introducing Izuku!" Then she added this under her breath, "Maid addition."

I squeaked when she moved to the right, revealing this maid costume. Hitoshi spat his coffee out, Shoto grabbed the tissues and shoved them against his nose, Eijiro hid his face behind a book, Neito 'coughed', and Denki just.. stared. I tried shoving the skirt down, but it wouldn't budge. I didn't want to run down the hall because of the beast that was Katsuki, but I couldn't just jump into Shoto. I just stood there frozen, a frozen tomato.

"Minaaaaaaaaa!" I complained.

"What it's cute!" She exclaimed whipping out her phone.

"Don't take pictures! That makes it worse!"

Before I knew it, I was pulled into Shoto's embrace. I was still trying to fight the goddamn skirt, curses. My face was red, redder than Crimson Riot, or Eijiro's hair. I whined in embarrassment. I buried my face in his chest, attempting to ignore Mina and her flashy phone.
The day went so fast, it was 9:30pm now. Mina had left at 8:00, and I had changed back into my normal clothes, and was watching The Quiet Place. Goddammit I don't do well with jump scares. I was cuddled close to Shoto, to which had a big bowl of popcorn in his lap. I curled up close to him as the climax got bigger. And then, boom. I s c r e a m e d. Then screaming turned to cries of embarrassment. The other boys laughed, and my face just got redder.

Detective Izuku (Dekubowl!) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now