First Night (Chapter 3)

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• Shoto POV •
"Not with Katsuki that's for sure." I said quickly, "He'd get too close for Izuku's comfort."

"Yeah, well not with me because I have to study tonight." Neito sighed, "Another night I guess."

"I have my friends from General Studies coming over." Hitoshi said, looking at his phone.

"I-I can sleep in your office Shoto." The Detective offered.

"No, no," I said thinking hard, "Denki.. no.. too immature, Katsuki is a definite no, Neito's studying, Hitoshi's got friends over, Eijiro's probably busy again tonight so.."

"Only Shoto's left." Hitoshi said, stealing my words.

The Detective looked up at me with hope in his eyes. Wondering if I'd say yes. I took one look into his massive, shining emerald eyes and knew I had to say it.

"Detective, wanna stay with me tonight?" I asked.

He nodded, smiling. I was the only one he knew to trust, I mean, aside from Neito maybe. He knew he could trust me. I knew him personally anyway. I pulled him away to my room, so he could get used to it before dusk, and he stood there in absolute awe.
My marble ceiling dancing above him, shining against the bright lights coming off of a small chandelier. A burnt out fireplace inside a mantel, in front of a crimson red carpet. That was to the left of the big queen sized bed I owned, and where Izuku and I were gong to sleep that night. Small fairy lights littered the large empty white walls, which had a few wall decorations. Like a calendar, a few family photos that were slightly ripped up, and large blood red curtains. They led out to a modestly sized balcony, that over looked the gigantic lake a few miles away. The thick forest behind the lake has contents that are unknown to us. No one that we know has gone into them. The setting sun behind the lake and forest, signalled that it was almost time for dinner.

"Hey Izuku, would you like to eat dinner with us?" I asked.

"Of course, is that Kacchan guy gonna be there?"

"Do you mean Katsuki?" I laughed.

"Y-Yeah.. I just forgot his name." Izuku shrugged.

I walked him down to the dining area, where Neito, Hitoshi, Eijiro and Katsuki were waiting.
As soon as we arrived, Katsuki got up and tried to attack Izuku. Luckily, I blocked him and pushed him onto the ground.

"Grr, you're lucky to have half 'n half over here protecting you, Detective." Katsuki warned, "if I find you lingering these halls alone, you can expect the worst."

"Hey hey what's going on?"

"Sup Denki." Neito said, kinda disappointed he showed up.

"God Neito, why so sad? We've been living together for like a year and a half now." Denki cried.

He diverted his attention to Izuku, who then hid behind me.

"You must be the Detective," he said smiling to Izuku, "I'm Denki."

"Earlier he was actually scared of you for having blonde hair." Neito laughed under his breath.

"Really? Dang it. I knew I should've died it." He complained.

"Don't worry, Eijiro's already done that." Neito laughed.

"What he's died his hair?" Hitoshi chimed in. 

"His hair used to be black." Neito shrugged.

"Hey.. how do you know?" Eijiro asked, kind of annoyed.

"I have my ways." Neito said, again, shrugging.

We sat down at the table, across from Katsuki. Izuku sat between Neito and I because he trusted us the most.

"So Detective," Hitoshi said stabbing his broccoli, "You got a problem with me saying this looks like you?"


"It looks like you, doesn't it?"

"I guess it does." He said, avoiding eye contact.

"Hitoshi don't say that." I said chewing my potato. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Katsuki staring daggers at Izuku, "Katsuki, control your anger. Don't go anywhere near Izuku. Got it porcupine?"

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!" Katsuki shrieked.

"Awww, the Pomeranian's barking again, does it need to calm down?" I continued teasing him.

"Halfie.. I swear, I will be the death of you someday." Katsuki declared.

"Yeah yeah sure." I mumbled.

After dindin UwU

"Izuku, hurry up." I called.

"Oh- sorry Shoto!" Izuku cooed, getting distracted by our massive house.

I walked him back to my room where Izuku bathed, and I waited.
Then I bathed and he waited.

"Hey Shoto.."

"Yes Izuku?"

"Um, you guys are so nice to me," he whispered, "why did you kidnap me..?"

That question was tough to answer.

"Actually, I don't know. I remember telling Denki that I'd just toy with you, but you're such an innocent soul, I couldn't."

I found myself feeling guilty I was laughing while saying that.

"I guess, when I found out Katsuki did that to you, my perspective on you changed. When I got to know you while you were crying, you just seemed like a child. Too innocent for your own good. You seemed kind of c-"

I stopped myself before I could spill anything.

"Kind of what?" He asked, cocking his head up the side.

"Amazing." I smiled.

I could see Izuku blush a little bit, and I 'coughed' into my elbow to hide mine.

"T-thanks Shoto."

I handed him a massive white hoodie that said 'don't touch' and he said wearing his pants from today was fine. I pulled off the shirt I had on today, exposing my ab region, and Izuku looked away flushed. I chuckled quietly and put on three-quarter pants, and a modestly sized black sweater.
I climbed into bed and Izuku squirmed  himself next to me. I was pretty tired after dealing with Katsuki and his on-going crap-fests that I subconsciously pulled Izuku closer to me, like a teddy bear. He was warm, and he didn't seem like he had a problem. Izuku quietly fell asleep, as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He was even warmer, and was even calm. After he'd been traumatised by Katsuki, he deserved to sleep peacefully.

Detective Izuku (Dekubowl!) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now