chapter 4

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Not Edited...


**Laughing Jack’s POV**

“You know you could just kill them both right?” I said to slender.

“I know. But I don’t because I just discovered something about that two.” Slendy said leaving me hanging from what he said.

“And that is?” I asked getting impatient.

“They have a strong potential at being a great proxy… Maybe they can be greater that Masky or Hoody…. Or maybe they can surpass your abilities.” Slender said.

“Then why not just take them and erase their memories while they are in this state?” I asked pointing at the two unconscious children lying face down at the ground.

“Their parents will get worried and they will send a search party here in the forest and we know what will happen if a large group of people enter this forest, am I not correct? Slender stated.

“Alright, alright I get it. We’ll give the little brats a little more time. But what now?” I asked.

“Right now you will go to your illusion form and take this two back to their homes and say you saw this two fell asleep in the park after playing none stop and you happen to pass by the park.” Slenderman instructed me while I change into my illusion form.

“What will I say if they asked me how do I know where they live?” I asked Slender.

“Say that you were visiting a relative this morning and saw them going out of their home.” He said.

“Hey why don’t you just come along, so you can hold the other?” I asked.

“Well why not?” He said before having a face.

“Who will I take between the two?” I asked getting ready to pick up one of the two brats.

“Take the girl and I’ll take the boy.” He said waiting for me to pick up the girl.

I look at the two of them examining who is the boy and who is the girl until…….. “Slenderman?”


“Who is the girl between the two?” I asked. Because it is hard to distinguish who is the girl and who is the boy because they look exactly the same. They have the same; hair, eyes, face, voice, and body composition so it is hard to know who is who.

“I believe the girl is the one who fainted first.” He said and I took the one on the left which he believes is the girl. 

“Alright let’s get this over with.” I said carrying the child bridal style while Slender did the same.

~*Time skip: Skylander's residence*~

Knock Knock 

We knocked on the door where the two brats live. After a few seconds their mother answered the door and she was about to speak when she noticed the two in our arms.

"Oh my god! What happened? Are they hurt?" She panicked and her husband came into view. 

"Done worry ma'am, sir, they are alright they just fell asleep 

"Done worry ma'am, sir, they are alright they just fell asleep at the park and we happen to pass by there and saw this two adorable angels." Slender said giving them a reassurance smile.

"Is that so? Well thank you for dropping them of here Mr.....?" She said.

"Mr. Man, Richard Man and he is my brother, Jack." Slender said. Pointing to himself then me.

"Well nice to meet you I'm Rosalia Skylander and this is my husband Emman." She introduced herself then her husband.

"Well thanks for dropping them here Jack and Richard, I'll be taking those two so we may all go back to our own businesses. “ Emman said a little rude while taking the two brats from us.

Once he was out of our sights his wife spoke, “I’m sorry for my husband’s rudeness, he was never good around people….”

“It’s alright, now we’ll be on our way. Have a good day.” Slender said while bowing his head a little for resect.

"Have a good day to you too." She said.

once she closed the door we walk back to the wood and change back to our original form.

 "So when will we take them?" I asked getting uncomfortable with the silence.

"Soon, when they leave the care of their parents." He said wrapping a tentacle around me then teleported in front of the mansion where we are greeted by Sally's welcome.

"Hey Slendy! Hey LJ where did you go????" Sally yelled running towards us.

"We visited someone who will be joining us very soon." Slender said.

"Really?!" Sally said.

"Yes, really." Slender said going inside the house with Sally on his back.

'Laughing Jack watch over the two kids and report to me immediately if they move out of their home.' Slender said in my mind.

"Are you for real, Slenderman!?" I shouted to him before entering the mansion. He turned to 'face' me and nodded.

"UGH!!!!!! Why me!?" I groaned.

'Because you are the only one who knows about them besides me.' He replied.


Hi it's me again I hope you enjoyed this is only a filler, but i hope you still like.

Note: sorry if it's too cliché. But I'll do something that can somehow make it original.

Next update: Later, Tomorrow, Next Saturday, or soon.

sincerely yours,

Angel The Killer.


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