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Harry Potter was walking back from a detention with Professor Snape. He was tired and ready to go to bed. The next day, Harry would be going back to the Dursleys until he would hopefully be invited to his friend, Ron Weasley's house. Ron and Hermione had been acting weirdly. They kept avoiding him and whispering to each other. Harry then thought of his Godfather Sirius. He had only known the man for about three hours but he felt extremely close to him. It was when he was thinking of Sirius, Harry heard a familiar voice outside the door to an unused classroom. It was Hermione's voice. She wailed, "But Professor, It's hard!" Harry frowned and pulled his invisibility cloak out of his pocket and pulled it over him. Luckily the door was open, so Harry walked in and stayed in the corner. In the classroom was Hermione, Ron and surprisingly the headmaster. Dumbledore frowned. "How is it difficult?" Ron growled. "The Potter git keeps getting us into trouble I broke my leg because of him." Dumbledore tutted. "I need you to be his friend though.. I'll pay you more! I'll go get some more money out of his vault tonight." Ron rolled his eyes. "Because it is Harry's money please could we have even more?" Harry bit his lip. Ron and Hermione were being paid to be his friend out of his money? Ron growled at Dumbledore. "Ginny better still be getting married to the Brat. She is practising her kissing already."

Harry couldn't take it anymore and crept to the common room. He lay on his bed and he formed a plan in his head. He wasn't going to the Dursleys. 

The next day, Harry woke up to Ron standing over him. Ron rolled his eyes. "C'mon Mate I actually want to eat." Harry got up and quietly slipped on one of Dudley's hand me downs. It was a brown shirt which reached his knees and had ketchup stains on it. Harry had a plan. To avoid speaking to them, he was going to 'become mute' until Sirius was given a trial, which Harry was going to hopefully do in the summer. He followed the traitors to the Great Hall and ate his cereal. Hermione and Ron watched him in silence until Hermione finally snapped, "Why aren't you talking?" Harry rolled his eyes and reached into his pocket. He quickly wrote on a sheet of paper, "I'm not speaking until Sirius gets a trial." Ron scoffed. "Like that's going to happen.." he stated before piling some more bacon in his mouth. 

Soon they were on the train and Ginny had joined them in the carriage. She had decided to sit next to Harry and was resting on his shoulder. He ended up moving further away and Ginny stared longingly and admitted defeat. When the Weasleys and Hermione had left the train, Harry pulled his invisibility cloak on and left the platform into the muggle world. Harry walked past the Dursleys, resisting the urge to slap them and started the thirty minute walk to the leaky cauldron. Harry had swapped his invisibility cloak for a Hogwarts cloak and had put the hood up, in The Leaky Cauldron bathrooms and made a beeline for Gringotts. Harry entered Gringotts and lowered his cloak slightly for the goblin to see who he was. "I wish for an inheritance test." 

The Goblin gulped and nodded, leading Harry to an office like room with another goblin sitting behind a desk. "Harry Potter sir!" The goblin who brought Harry there squeaked. The new goblin nodded and the squeaky goblin left. The goblin left his chair and walked to the door. "Forgive Grop, he is new and quite nervous. My name is Ragga and I am your account manager. You finally received my letters?" Harry frowned. "I haven't been receiving any letters, I came here for an inheritance test.." Ragga growled. "Very well, it is a good thing you are here. Sit down Heir Potter." 

Harry sat down in the chair Ragga pointed at. Ragga got some documents out. He handed them to Harry and Harry paled. 




Ragga growled. "As you can see, Dumbly and his cronies have been taking money from you. Without this money, the Weasleys would be completely bankrupt." 

Harry rolled his eyes. "Take it from them and don't tell them until they come to try and take money out, so hopefully there will be a big scene." Ragga smirked. "I like your thinking Heir Potter" Harry bit his lip. "Please could we do the inheritance test now?" Ragga nodded and picked up a piece of parchment. "A drop of blood please." Ragga asked holding a dagger. Harry pierced his finger and watched as the blood dropped out and the wound healed. Ragga read the piece of parchment and growled.

Harry took it and looked at it.

Name: Orpheus Lupin-Black

Mother: Remus Lupin-Black

Father: Sirius Lupin-Black

Godparents: Narcissa Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Tom Riddle, Severus Riddle, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, James Potter, Lily Potter


Half - Wolf (blocked) 

Mate: Unknown (Have Met) 


Glamour (By Albus Dumbledore), Loyalty Charms keyed to Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley (By Albus Dumbledore), Love Potion keyed to Ginny Weasley (By Molly and Ginny Weasley), Hatred Charms keyed to Draco Malfoy, Tom Riddle, Severus Riddle, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange.

Lord to: Potter, Evans, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff

Heir to: Black, Lupin, Slytherin, Riddle, Snape, Prince

Orpheus frowned. "Why do I have all of Tom Riddle and Professor Snape's Heirs?" Ragga nodded. "When you were born, Tom and Severus had already decided not to have children so they gave their heirship to you." Orpheus nodded. Ragga continued. "I can remove these spells and unblock your Half-Wolf side." Orpheus sighed. "What is a Half-Wolf?" Ragga grinned. "It only happens when a parent is a Werewolf, so it is pretty rare. Basically, you don't turn like a werewolf but you have the ability to get a wolf animagus a lot easily than it normally takes, you must eat meat and you have a mate who is another wizard or creature who is bonded to be your lover. Magic herself makes these pairings and she knows you best." 

Orpheus nodded and Ragga took him to another room. Ragga winced. "Sorry you can't be awake for this." and before he knew it, Orpheus had been knocked out. 

When Orpheus next woke up, he found himself back in Ragga's room. Ragga came over to him. "Ah, Heir Lupin-Black, you are awake. Your appearance changed considerably." Orpheus sat up and Ragga conjured a mirror. Orpheus couldn't recognise himself. He looked like a mixture of Remus and Sirius. He had the facial structure of Sirius with his eyes but had Remus's hair colour, nose and mouth. His hair was a sandy brown colour like Remus' and was up to the bottom to his ears. Orpheus smirked. He was, as both girls and the few boys would say, very handsome. 

Ragga smiled. "Should I contact your Mother, Remus Lupin? How are we going to contact your father?" Orpheus' eyes lit up. "Send Remus here and I'll get Sirius to come. He has a dog animagus, so I'll come with him in his animagus form." Ragga nodded. Orpheus sighed. "I'll see you tomorrow with Sirius then. We can also try and arrange a trial. Make sure to get Remus seen to today." Ragga nodded. Orpheus left Gringotts and basked in the fact nobody recognised him. He went to Florean Fortesques Ice Cream and watched through the window as Remus Lupin hurried into Gringotts. Orpheus got up and went to the Leaky Cauldron. He had a hotel room to buy and a couple of letters to write. 

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