Chapter 4 || All Alone

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Luna sat in the passenger seat, numb and lifeless. There was no hope for her, when she thought everything was going to get better, things took a turn for the worse.

"What happened?" Sophia asked.

Luna didn't reply, instead she continued to sit in silence. She heard the words but it seemed to go through one ear and out the other. 

"You're not alone in this..." Sophia said as she reached her hand out to comfort Luna.

"I am..." Those were the only words Luna spoke throughout the car ride till they arrived at home. 

"Do you need help?" Sophia said as she tried helping Luna out the car. 

"I'm not a charity case, I can walk by myself," Luna said as she pulled her arm out of Sophia's grip. 

"I never said you were a charity case, I just want to help you. Can't you just take the help?" 

Luna didn't dare to reply as she made her way up the stairs. 

"What happened?" Catarina asked as she followed after Luna.

Luna ignored her words as she continued up the stairs. 

"Hey, I'm talking to you..." 

Luna closed her eyes as she slowly turned around, she opened her eyes as she faced her mom.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking..." Luna turned back around and before she can even take a step, her mother stops her. 

"I asked what happened."

"How about you try asking if I'm okay?"

"You're strong right? I don't need reassurance," Catarina folded her arms across her chest.

"I don't get why you're so fucking blind. The amount of times you try and act like I'm okay isn't getting anywhere. I just lost my brother and my best friend within a few days. Stop thinking I'm always strong."

"What would your father say when he hears you say that?" Catarina argued.

"Mama, that's enough..." Sophia said as she appeared behind her.

"It's fine, it doesn't matter at this point..." 

"I'm disappointed in you," Catarina said.

"When are you never mama?" Luna said as the tears were ready to fall. 

Luna turned away and continued to make her way towards her room. She closed the door and instead of falling on her bed, she fell to the floor as her back leaned against the door. 

Tears started to stream out of her eyes, her breathing shortened as her tears and cries grew heavier. 

"Why me?" She thought.

It became too real to the point she started feeling the pain in her chest. 

She stood up and walked over to the table of picture frames, she looked at each of them individually, out of anger and pain she swept them off the table as she screamed her lungs out. 

She fell against the table once more, she sat in her tears and pain as she continued to cry more. One of the nearest picture frames laid near her, she grabbed it and threw it across her room. Glass shattering and flying everywhere. 

She screamed more and cried more. The hate, anger, and pain she felt towards everybody. 

She became numb, her body dropped to the floor causing a thump to echo throughout her room. 

This was her reality, this was her life. She was bound to live in this miserable life, there was no changing her life for the better, this was it for her. 

Sophia and Serafina rushed in, they saw her body laying on the floor as she held onto her legs. 

"It's okay, we're here okay? We're not going to leave you..." Serafina said as she gently grabbed Luna's head and placed it on her lap.

Luna cried more and more as Sophia and Serafina tried to comfort her to the best of their ability. 

"Sh-sh, it's okay..." Serafina said as she gently combed Luna's hair. 

"I can't do it anymore..." Luna quietly whimpered. 

"It's okay... you need to take a break and take care of yourself," Sophia added on.

"I'm gonna keep falling every time..." Luna continued to cry quietly. 

"It's okay if you do, sometimes you need to fail many times before getting back up again. You need to cry and let your anger out. You are never going to get better if you keep everything in..." Serafina said.

"Why is it that everybody leaves me?" Luna asked.

"They're still here with you, they're going to be cheering you on. You're not alone, you never have been. You just need to let people in, the right ones..." 

Luna sighs, she sits up as she leans on the end of her bed. What laid in front of her were a pile of pictures and surrounding it was shattered glass. She leans forward to pick up two picture frames. 

One of the picture frames was a portrait of Santiago, Sophia, Serafina, and Luna. The second portrait was a picture of Marina and Luna. She held them in her arms as she cried even more. 

Serafina and Sophia both wrapped their arms around her as they rested their heads on Luna's shoulder. 

"Why did they leave me... us?" Luna whimpered as the picture frames rested in her arms as she hugged them tightly.

"I wish I knew why..." Sophia sniffled. 

"However, this isn't what they would've wanted for us... for you. They wouldn't want you to stop your life because of them. Because the Santiago and Marina I knew, they would've pushed you to be your best and they would have told you to get back up and keep fighting..." Serafina added on.

"This is not over for you. You're gonna keep fighting and we're gonna be with you all the way through. Just like how you were there for us. It's our turn to take care of you, it's our turn to give you the rest you need..." Sophia hugged Luna even tighter.

"There is no better world for me, everything I do always takes a turn for the worse... it's not fair," Luna said with pain and agony in her voice.

"There is so much more to this world, you just need to stop giving yourself less than what you deserve. Stop settling for only one thing, that's why you're always stuck. There is a whole life out there waiting for you, we're not gonna stop until you get that," Serafina kisses Luna on the temple.

"How do you know?" Luna looks up at the both of them.

"You'll never know unless you try, if you give up now, you're never going to find that world, you're never going to know the happiness you could've had. Now, you're better than this. Don't listen to mama or papa, be better than what they could've been, that's what Marina and Santiago would've wanted."

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