Chapter 10 || Confidential

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"It's wrong, my best friend got killed," Luna said as her voice started to shake with fear. 

"She isn't, from all the research I did, it just proves she's very much alive..." 

"Then how come I never found her, ever?" Luna questioned the inspector. 

"She changed her name... I think it's best you look at it yourself Luna."

Luna stared into the distance as her mind filled with different thoughts.

"I'm surprised you're not as happy as I expected you to be," the inspector said.

"Look, I don't know how I'm supposed to take all of this in. I lost 2 important people in my life already and now I'm just finding out my best friend is alive..." 

The inspector leaned forward and rested her hand on Luna's shoulder, "I get it... here..." The inspector slid the file towards Luna.

Luna shuddered.

"Take all the time you need, eventually you're gonna need to find out the truth, right? You need closure Luna..." 

The inspector took one last look at her as she left her office, leaving Luna alone in the dead and silent office. 

Luna's eyes landed on the file in front of her, she gently grabbed it as she observed the beige folder in front of her. 

Luna had just left the precinct and she made it home safely. With so much dread and sorrow, she slowly made her way up the staircase. 

The pain in her legs grew as her breathing grew heavier, she held the file close to her chest.

She made it to the hallway where it led to her room and Santiago's room. For some odd reason, there was something dragging her to Santiago's room. She was hesitant at first but eventually went.

She stood in front of his door, she turned the knob as she entered the room. She felt chills and uneasy as her whole body entered. She looked around his room as if it was new to her. Nobody has been inside his room since his passing. 

She sat on the edge of her bed as she observed a table of pictures, you can say the Genovese's had a thing for pictures and displaying them. 

There was this one picture that was Santiago's prized possession, it was a picture of Santiago and his sisters, the same one Luna had in her room, as well as Serafina and Sophia. As she observed every detail in the picture, she could feel her tears swelling in her eye. 

"I'm so sorry Santiago..." Luna whispered under her breath, she sighed but it was painful.

Luna raised her hands to her eyes as she wept more in the dark, "I never got a chance to say this, but I'm sorry," she whispered once more. 

A couple of moments passed by and more tears streamed, she figured it was time for her to go. She was tired and full of nothing but pain. She slowly stood up, the file was in one arm as her other arm was ready to reach for the door knob.

Something stopped her, there was a small envelope sticking out from his bedside drawer. She reached for it and realized the letter was for her. 

"Luna," it was written on the back of the envelope. 

Luna was back in her room, both the envelope and file laid on her desk. She laid in the dark as she stared up at the ceiling, she wanted to read them but she didn't have the courage right now. 

She twisted and turned in bed, unable to sleep well. 

"Karma's a bitch isn't it?" A voice called out to her. It wasn't real though.

Luna could see herself, it was weird and strange. It was like an out of body experience... she was in her dream.

What was her dream trying to tell her? 

The next view she saw will haunt her forever, for the first time in a while, Luna could see herself on drugs. Alejandro held her up as a smirk formed on his face, what sick human being can do this? 

The two figures passed by Luna who was standing in the corner of her dream, the scenery of the hallways faded as it showed the scene of the murder. This time, Luna could see her lifeless body on the floor. 

Was she starting to remember that night of the murder? It was almost like her head was finally trying to fit all the missing pieces together, it was all over the place but Luna finally started seeing glimpses of that night. 

What she could see in her dream was limited, it was almost as if it was blocking the other details, like... the truth. 

Everywhere around her was dark, the only thing she could see was her body. Luna stared at her body as she started to slowly drift away from it. Then, she was back in reality. She didn't realize it but as she sat up in bed, her sheets were with covered with her sweat, it started to stream down her forehead. 

She slammed her back, back in bed as she was able to fall back asleep. The next day rolled around and it wasn't going well so far.

Luna had just fallen asleep in class, her tests were coming up and she was nowhere near ready for it nor was she aware about her recent lessons. 

"Luna..." A gentle voice approached her. 

Luna's head jolted up as she looked beside her.

"Hey Nadia... I'm awake now," Luna rubbed her eyes as her surroundings were still blurry. 

"You missed the whole lesson, Mr. Rivera was about to call Azucena in here..."

Luna yawned, "Why didn't he?" 

"I offered to help you, I told him you were just up last night studying..."

Luna weakly smiled, "Thank you..."

Nadia lended a hand to Luna as she stood up from the chair, "I have the perfect way to wake you up..."

Luna grabbed her hand and she was led to the student room. 

Luna sat by one of the tables as her head was down on the table, she was restless.

"Look at her..." One of the nearby students whispered.

"She went from being Ms. Perfect to this," another student laughed. 

"Don't listen to them," Nadia said with irritation in her voice.

Luna slowly lifted her head up, the light shined on her under bags revealing them to be very dark.

"Woah, Luna. You really need some rest. I've seen dark under bags but you haven't slept in days..." 

Luna rested her chin on her palm, "It's hard to sleep..."

Nadia gently rubbed her back, "It's okay, here. Drink up."

"Thank you so much Nadia," Luna gently grabbed the cup from her and took a sip from the warm cup. 

Luna groaned in comfort as the warm tea traveled from her throat to her stomach. 

"Now, if you ever need a wake up call, you have herbal tea and me!" Nadia smiled cheerfully.

Luna leaned forward and hugged Nadia, "I really needed this..."

Luna set the cup down as she stared at it.

"What's wrong?" Nadia insisted. 

Luna nodded her head side to side as she looked away from her.


"No... I know I didn't kill her. But it's poking at me, I'm the only one that can end this misery for all of us but I can't. If the other witnesses won't step up, it has to be me. I was the only person there..."

"Stop... this isn't your fault. Whoever killed her, it's on them. So much blood is on their hands. I know you'll find out, but right now you just need to rest in order for you to go back to that night. You have to be fully prepared instead of stacking more problems onto you."

Nadia reached out and grabbed Luna's hand.

"We're all going to get through this, we're going to find the killer. Justice isn't served until we put this to an end..."

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