C (captivated)

654 39 16

Michael- 16 Ashton-17

It was official Michael hated school. Waking up at the crack of dawn to go somewhere with people you hate and annoying classes. There are only two reasons why he hasn't dropped out yet.

1) There is there boy named Ashton that he might have a huge crush one.

2) His mom would never approve or let do such a thing.

Even though there are so many reasons why he shouldn't go, He however can't think that way or he will make it 27398% worse for himself.

So Michael sucks it up and dresses in his favorite blink-182 pull over some back skinny jeans, and his signature black vans.(all black because it's punk rock) He brushes his teeth and hair. Then makes his way downstairs to smell bacon.

"Smells good mom." He says smiling slightly then taking his seat on a bar-stool, watching his mom cook.

"Thanks buttercup" Michael mom says finishing up the bacon and getting two plates for her and her son. Michael eats the bacon at what must be a world record. He kisses his mom on the cheek grabs his book bag, and walks out the door to make his way to his living hell that he must make a heaven.

He walks inside going straight to his best and only friend Calum's locker.

"Hey cal" Michael says getting his things from Calum's locker. 

"I will never fully understand why you just don't use your locker" Calum says closing his locker shut after grabbing his own book.

"I forgot my combo we went over this!" Michael pouts.The two friends chat before he bids farewell to Calum and making his way to first period, Michael's favorite period. It was his favorite because, it was elective that mixed all the grades together. Which mean't him a sophomore could be in a class with Ashton a junior. Which is exactly what happened. 

He makes his way to his seat, he was always one of the first people to come into the class room, while everyone else stayed in the hallway and socialize. Eventually the everyone came in including Ashton. Who looked really hot. He a red bandana to somewhat control his unruly curls. A captain America shirt and black skinny jeans. Michael was almost positive Ashton wasn't human because, how is it even possible to look that good? If Ashton keeps looking like that, he is gonna have to write his parents a thank you note. He snaps out of his gaze when the bells rings. Michael is pretty embarrassed that he spent the whole class staring at Ashton. (who could blame him though)

However a day can't stay good for Michael Clifford so of course he has the misfortune to see Jack. Jack was in Michael's grade, and was very mean to Michael. It was almost like Jack knew Michael was gay before Michael even knew, so Jack's gaydar was really on point for a homophobic prick. It's kinda funny though because, Jack and Michael use to be really good friends before high school. (Michael thinks that's when Jack's gaydar was at it's best)

'Hey fag" Jack says pushing Michael in the nearly empty hallway. Michael rolls his eyes at the overusd insult.

"Don't roll your eyes at me" Jack says pushing him again this time Michael hits a locker. Jack grabs his arm, more his wrist, more the area where he self harms. He hisses in pain, not going unnoticed by Jack. 

making Jack smirk."The fag self harms" Jack mockingly teases. Jack comes up really close to Michael ear and whispers "Next time cut a little deeper for my sake." He squeezes his wrist one last time before walking off to wherever, Michael doesn't really care at that point. He can only think about what Jack said and how right it was.

And Michael will cut a little deeper tonight, for his own sake.

Finally lunch comes around and Michael obviously sits with Calum. Calum is rambling about some band Michael has never heard of. So his eyes wonder to Ashton's table. Where he is laughing, and he looks beautiful.

"Michael are you listening?" Calum ask following Michael gaze. Calum smirks knowing exactly who his best friend is staring at.

"No" Michael says not looking away from his crush.

"I don't understand why you like Ashton so much he isn't ev-" Calum says before getting cut off by Michael's over exaggerated gasp. 

"Don't even finsh that!" Michael says a mockingly hurt expression on his face. Calum rolls his eyes.

"You get so distracted by him, I have never seen anymore more captivated by someone else then you." Caum says while stabbing whatever they decided so serve that day.

And maybe Michael was captivated by Ashton but, Michael doesn't mind.



If you are confused, they are younger this chapter then in the rest of the book.

DEDICATION TO CVSHTON because she was the first to add it to her reading list so ayyy thanks

-Lilly :)

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