G (grateful)

486 36 5

MIchael-18 Ashton-19

It's been almost 3 hours after Michael listened to Ashton's CD. He has just been laying on the floor in a ball of sobs. He really wants to skype Ashton but, he is probably in a class, or doing something important. The thought of Ashton not wanting to be with a stupid high schooler is unbearable. There is probably some cool collage kids that are better looking and that aren't as quiet or awkward as Michael. This causes Michael to sob even harder then before, alerting his mother.

Michael's mother rushes up the stairs to see her precious boy sobbing into himself uncontrollably."Michael, are you ok?" His mother says going up to her son and just holding him and whispering sweet nothings into his ear. Michael eventually stops crying, and his laptop rings.

"Michael, honey i'm not quite sure why you are so sad but I assume it has to do with that Ashton of yours Am I right?" Michael's mother ask Michael nods rubbing his puffy eyes.

"Well don't sit here sobbing over him go make up!" His mother says pushing him towards the ringing laptop, and then walking out of the room to leave Michael and Ashton. He answers the call, still sniffling.

"K-kitten?" Ashton's ask sniffling as well. Ashton doesn't look much better then Michael, puffy eyes, strained voice, and broken heart. Michael doesn't say anything he just starts to violently sob.

"Kitten, no" Ashton says looking at his beautiful boyfriend.

"Why are you crying kitten?" Ashton ask concern evident on his face Ashton wishes he was there to there holding the smaller boy, wiping his tears away, the tears he caused.

"Because I love you and miss you and you're not here." Michael says then continuing to sob. Ashton's heart breaks in half.

"Michael I love you so much." Ashton says meaning it. He truly loves the younger boy.

"Kitten stop you're gonna make me cry." Ashton adds smiling softly at his boyfriend.

"So what have you been up to these last few days." Ashton asks, knowing Michael is shy and won't make the first move to start a conversation no matter how close the two were. Michael just shrugs not really in the mood for talking.

"C'mon kitten I bet you did something fun!" Ashton says encouraging the boy to talk.

"Well Jack almost beat the shit out of me." Michael says looking up into Ashton eyes.

"God damn it! I'm going to beat the idiot out of him when I get back! I swear to fucking god he's dead." Ashton says really pissed off. He was worried about this when he left. This fuckboy would mess with Michael when he was away. He fucking knew this would happen and he can't be there to protect his boyfriend. Michael only snickers at his word because Jack told him he was gonna kill him or something of that sort.

"Kitten you know I really love you right, that shit I said the other day I was just frustra-" Ashton almost says before getting interpreted "I love too idiot." Michael says giggling.

They talked until midnight Michael's time. Michael went to sleep with a smile on his face for the first time in a few days.

He was so grateful for a caring mother and loving boyfriend. For the first time in Michael's 18 years of living he looked around and noticed what he had not what he didn't.

And Michael was forever grateful.




i have this whole story planned out and i'm really excited because I love to write these.

ALSO if you read lilac can you massage me because I need help with some ideas for how to end it so that would be helpful

vote and comment(highly suggested)

-Lilly :)

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