M (musical)

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Michael-18 Ashton-19

Michael and Ashton have been waiting for this day for three months. It's the day Ashton comes home from uni since it's winter break. Michael is excited because he hasn't seem his boyfriend in three fucking months and he missed him alot. Ashton is excitied because, he is gonna sing to Michael for first time face to face. Michael has begged him multiple times to sing over video chat but Ashton always declined. (No matter hwo cute Michael looked when he pouted.)

Ashton was nervous he doesn't even know what song he is gonna sing yet. He spends the the whole plane ride brainstoring of a song that Michael would enjoy.

Michael is nervous too but for different reasons. What Ashton relizies he is just some stupid high school student? Michael needs Ashton, Ashton is his anchor without Ashton Michael would probably be long gone, and Michael doesn't want to feel like this anymore he needs Ashton.

Michael and his mom are on the way to the airport to pick Ashton up. Michael is shaking with nerves little does he know on a plane somewhere Ashton is too. 

"Don't be so worried honey it's just Ashton." MIchael's mom says patting his knee trying to calm his nerves. That's the point thought it is just Ashton. It's just the popular, older, hotter Ashton that's way out of Michael's league.

Michael and his mom find a parking spot and rush into the airport. Mrs.Clifford sitting down amuseingly watching her son pace around and rant nonsense.

"Mom but what if he finds someone better, like less akaward and older and-" MIchael rambles

"Michael?" Ashton asks watching his boyfriend pace around. Michael turns around and starts crying and runs into Ashton arms. They stay in this postion until Mrs.Clifford ruins their moment "As heart-warming as this is I have a hair appiontment at three so if we could move this along."

"Hello Mrs.Clifford." Ashton says giving her a small wave and smilie.

"Hello Ashton." Mrs.Clifford says. They go to get Ashton lugage MIchael clinging onto Ashton for dear life, not like Ashton minded. They eventually get into the car Ashton sitting in the back and Michael on his lap.

"Boys I don't think that's safe." Mrs.Clifford says looking at the boys.

"Please mom." MIchael says pouting and making a really adorable face.

"Yea whatever just put on a seatbelt." Mrs.Clifford says starting up the car.

"I missed you so much." Michael mutters nuzzling his head in Ashton's neck, taking in his scent.

"I love you kitten." Ashton says kissing the top of Michael's head. It's not long before the trio get to Michael's house. Michael instantly takes Ashton up to his room.

 "Tell me everything!" Michael squals like a school girl at a sleepover.

"I will there is just one thing I have to do." Ashton says getting up grabbing MIchael's guitar. Ashton starts strumming a song Michael knows as Wonderwall by Oasis.

"Today is gonna be the day that they throw it all back at you."

"By now you should've realized what you gotta do."

"I don't believe anybody feels the way do about you now."

"Backbeat the word on the street is the fire in your heart is out."

"I'm sure you heard it all before but you never really had a doubt."

"I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now."

"And all the roads we have to walk are winding."

"And all the light to lead us there are blinding."

"There are many things that I would like to say to you but I don't know how."

"Because maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me and after all.."

"You're my wonderwall." Ashton sings voice sounding like Michael would guess heaven would be like. It was beautiful, breath-taking. Ashton finishes the song leaving Michael mouth hung open and  awe in his eyes.

"Ashton that was amazing I can't even find a adjecive to describe that." Michael says still kind of awe struck.

"I love you so much" Michael says kissing his amazing boyfriend.

Maybe now Ashton will sing more and Michael will never get sick of his musical talents.



guys i'm so bored atm

I personally thought this was kinda cute


merry christmas eve loves



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