F (flirty)

551 37 7

Michael-16 Ashton-17

Michael have been best friends with Calum for as long as both can remember but they were polar opposites.

Calum was somewhat cool and popular. Well-rounded kid good grades, great social skills,charming. The kind of kid who could talk to a adult and the conversation flows naturally. Calum was also very into partying. He liked the rush the vibe it gave off. So when he found out there was a party Friday night he had to go. The only thing holding Calum back was Michael.

Michael was very shy. Most people would think Michael was mute, only spoke when spoken to and even then he stuttered. He couldn't even hold a comfortable conversation with a kid his own age yet a adult. Don't be fooled though Michael was still witty as fuck, and could leave people speechless. Michael has only been to a high school party once and it was because of Calum. The sweating bodies grinding, the music was loud and shitty in his opinion. So when Calum asked him if he was up to a party he instantly declined. However Calum promised him the new pokemon game so he caved. 

Calum walks in a few people greeting him. Michael awkwardly trailing behind him. Michael has no idea what to do with himself. He really wants to sit down but the couches and chairs include couples making out. He also doesn't want to lose Calum, so he decides he should stay with his friend and watch him have the time of his life.

"Loosen up Michael! This is supposed to be fun!" Calum yells over the music.

"Tonight you are gonna get black out drunk and get laid" Calum adds giving Michael a beer. Michael only holds it. He has never been much of a drinker.  Unlike Calum who gets so drunk it's a shock he is still alive.

"No beer no pokemon" Calum says sternly, so Michael puts the bottle up to his lips and takes a small sip.

"Happy?" Michael asks giving his friend a sarcastic smile.

"Very" Calum smiles.

It all happened so fast. One sip turned into two, one bottle turned to three and next thing Michael knew he was drunk. Michael was very much a lightweight and was completely wasted. He has no idea where Calum went. Lost and drunk in a strangers home. Michael looks up to see his crush, Ashton Irwin.

Ashton was like Calum in a lot of ways. Both boys charming, popular, and overall great people. Only Ashton was an incredibly hot junior and Michael just happened to be very drunk.

Michael would have never had the guts to say any of the things that he about to say to the older without the help of alcohol.

"Hey cutie" Michael slurs.

Ashton looks over he sees a boy that goes by the name Michael. Ashton didn't know much about the boy besides that he was a rather attractive sophomore not that he's gay or anything. (that he maybe often stared at but that's irrelevant) and didn't really talk So when Michael came up to him calling him a cutie Ashton was rather shocked and it was noticeable just by looking at him.

"Uh Hey Michael right?" Ashton says trying to act casual. It was pretty obvious that Michael was drunk and he didn't want it to seem like he was gonna take advantage of the poor boy.  

"Call me the man of your dreams" Michael says leaning up against the tanned boy. By now Ashton friends have taken notice to the drunken boy. Well just Luke, Luke was his best friend and was sure his only true friend. Ashton knew that all these people he is close with now will fade away once high school ends but Luke, Luke is here to stay. Luke raises his eyebrow and points to Michael. Ashton does this shooing away motion with his hands and Luke gets the point leading the rest of the boys away from the two.

"Uh Michael you're drunk. You should go home I will drive you there." Ashton says trying pulling on Michael's hand.

"Please Michael, come with me!" Ashton pleads still trying to pull the drunk boy to his car since, Michael is getting distracted super easily.

"I will totally cum with you!" Michael giggles, then attacks Ashton lips. Ashton doesn't kiss back at first because, this is wrong and Michael's drunk. However Michael's lips are so soft and warm he loses the battle against himself and gives in and kisses back. He's not gay but Michael's lips feel really nice and it's a party so he let loose. They keep kissing until Michael licks at Ashtons bottom lip asking for entrance. Ashton snaps out of his trance and comes back to his senses and breaks the kiss, causing Michael to whine.

"Do you not like to kiss me?" Michael pouts, and Ashton really wants to kiss it away.

"I do Michael, I really want to trust me but you're drunk." Ashton replies dragging Michael to his car while weaving though drunken teens. Ashton finally gets Michael to his car opens the door to the passenger side puts Michael in the seat and buckles him up. Then Ashton goes to start the car and then realizes he has no idea where Michael lives, and Michael probably at the moment doesn't either.

"Michael do you uh know your address?" Ashton asks looking over to drunken boy noticing he is in a state of slumber.

"Looks like you're spending the night." Ashton mumbles to himself and starts the drive to his house.

Ashton pulls up in my driveway and look at the sleeping boy. He gets out of my the car to open the passenger side unbuckling Michael then carrying him up to his room. His parents luckily are out of town this weekend for work or something like that. Ashton lays him down on his bed taking off his shoes and tucking Michael in like a child. (it's a shock that Michael hasn't woken up yet) Ashton goes down stairs takes his shirt off lays down on the couch instantly falling asleep.

And Michael has never been as flirty as he was that night and he might not ever know.



GUYS THIS IS THE LONGEST CHAPTER OF THE BOOK I THINK (ALso longest chapter I have ever written but who cares)



(so many run off sentences ew but oh well lol)

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