J (jealous)

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Michael-16 Ashton-18

After Michael had officially met Luke Ashton wanted to officially meet Calum. Ashton was aware of Calum's existence long before he dated Michael. They had casual small talk at soccer banquets, or at partys but he never formally met the other boy. And he thought he should get to know someone his boyfriend spends so much time with.

It was currently Michael, Ashton, and Calum's lunch period. Michael and Ashton didn't sit with each other. Both too afraid as coming off clingy to make the first move. It was better this way anyway they both liked each other but spending every waking moment with one person could get boring and annoying. Everyone needs their space to spend with friends or alone and lunch was that time for both boys. And they both respected that until Ashton didn't.

Ashton being too inpatient to ask Michael later to meet Calum decides to break their unspoken rule and walks over to the two boys table. Michael gave Ashton a questioning look. Ashton ignores it and seats himself next to Michael.

"Ash I'm not trying to sound rude but why are you here?" Michael asks after Ashton gives him a kiss on the check. 

"I wanted to meet the famous Calum." Ashton says showing off his famous smile.

"A simple I wanted to see my boyfriend could have worked too." Michael pouts.

"Ah kitten I didn't come here just to see Calum." Ashton says before kissing Michael's pout away.

"And I didn't come here to watch you two be coupply." Calum butts in.

"See you just met Calum! He is always that bitter and rude! You guys are basically best friends! So you can leave now." Michael says impatiently trying to push Ashton off the chair.

"What's the rush?" Ashton chuckles.

Ashton has been at Michael's table talking about soccer for something stupid with Calum for almost the whole lunch period. Michael respected Ashton's time alone and didn't sit at his lunch table. Ok well mostly because, he didn't have the guts to, but he respects his privacy! He can't talk about half the things he wants to now. He can't talk about how he wants to fuck Ashton with Ashton there. That's like doing drugs with your grandma you just don't!

"No bro Real Madrid is the shit." Calum says munching on his slice of pizza. Michael just huffs and pouts. Trying to get any attention he can he tries to kiss Ashton. Ashton  just moves back and whispers a "not now kitten." Causing Michael to pout harder and violently stab his salad.

"Hey guys i'm gonna go to the bathroom." Michael announces getting out of his seat and walks towards the men restroom. Michael goes in front of the mirror and just looks at himself. Maybe if he wasn't so pale,so ugly Ashton would pay attention to him. Maybe if he knew something about soccer Ashton would kiss him. Maybe if he was more like Calum Ashton would like him. He doesn't realize he was crying till he  felt a tear rolling down his face, a hot ugly tear. Michael always thought he was the ugliest crier.

Ashton walks into the bathroom worried about his boyfriend. Michael has been gone for almost ten minutes so he thought it was about time he checked on him.

"Hey kitten, I really like Calum I think I might start sitting with you guys." Ashton smiles looking at the back of the dyed lilac boys head. hearing these words broke Michael. Of course Ashton and Calum would get along, even if it was a platonic way Ashton would eventually figure out of much better Calum was. Michael lets out a broken sob.

"Kitten are you ok? why are you crying?" Ashton asks sitting down on the dirty bathroom  floor putting the crying boy in is lap.

"shh it's ok kitten." Ashton whispers in the lilac boys ear. "You don't have to tell me what happened if you don't want to but I think it would help if you did." Ashton adds stroking the younger boys hair.

"I fucking hate Calum." Michael huffs crossing his arms and pouting.

"Why? Do I need to kick his ass?" Ashton asks suddenly getting possessive.

"He stole you away from me." Michael says pouting harder. Ashton just chuckles.

"Stop it's not funny! He is so much better then me and one day you are gon-" Michael almost says before getting cut off by lips.

"Kitten, it's only you." Ashton says, then adds "you are so cute when you're jealous." and sighs contently.

"I am not jealous!" Michael defends.

Michael was totally jealous he just would never admit it.



guys I have a habit of only updating at like 2 AM

this was my favorite chapter so far

I feel like most of so far are sad but I outlined each chapter and they get happier and fluffier I swear

infact next chapter is smut and i'm not sure if i'm ready for it yet omfg i'm a smut virgin


also i changed my username ok bye


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