I (intelligent)

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Michael-16 Ashton-17

Michael and Ashton didn't have much in common, but they were both very smart. Ashton was in all advance classes, well besides math but in his defense math is hard, and who needs to know pi anyway?

Michael however was in advance junior classes including math, so basically Michael was a huge brainiac not like many people knew that. Not many people even knew he existed. However Ashton noticed the younger boy. He always did but he but started paying a whole lot more attention to the boy ever since Luke's party.

Ashton has been obsessed with the younger boy well at least that's what Luke says. He was just so curious Ashton being the out-going kinda person he is knew most of the school. He knew Michael but like the basics. He knew Michael was 16, his full name, and that he was incredibly cute.(but in a striaght way) But the younger boy was oddly quite and kinda mysterious. And the fact Michael wasn't as open as everyone else really made Ashton curious about the boy.So when they had a huge partner project in American history Ashton knew it was his chance to get to know Michael better.

"Hey, Michael wanna be my partner?"Ashton asks huge grin on his face. Michael looked behind him, seeing no one he then pointed to himself. Ashton chuckles and nods motioning him closer.

Michael comes closer and sits next to the boy "i-is this a j-j-oke?" Michael asks still not fully trusting Ashton.

"Of course not!?" Ashton says shaking his head.

"d-dare?" Michael asks just making sure he wasn't getting played. He knows Ashton isn't like that but, well he doesn't know him well enough to know for sure.

"Don't be silly" Ashton giggles.

"Here is my phone put in your number I will text you so we can meet up or something." Ashton says handing over his phone. Michael takes it typing in his number.

"Thanks." Ashton smilies.

Michael is very overwhelmed. His popular older crush just asked for his number. Well kinda it was for educational reasons but, still he gave a cute boy his number and that's pretty impressive especially for Michael.


"Cal my god you won't believe what just happened!" Michael basically squeals sitting down at their lunch table.

"what won't I believe?" Calum asks glancing up from his phone.

"Guess!" Michael giggles

"Michael don't be that fucking person, I don't know you got laid? you seem abnormally happy." Calum questions

"No, I gave Ashton my number!" Michael smiles.

"So I Was right?" Calum questions rolling his eyes. even though Calum sounded annoyed he was proud of his friend. He knew Michael had a hard time talking to new people or people in general.

Michael just got home from school the smile on his face never fading, not even Jack could ruin his day. Michael walks into the door eyes bright as ever he looked alive. This not going unnoticed by his mother "What's got you so happy? Finally get laid? God knows you need it." Michael's mom questions.

"No, I just gave my number to Ashton Irwin. And god and laid should not used together, ever." Michael responses to his mother. His mother was well aware of who Ashton Irwin was. Michael was very open with his mom, she was all she had, but was all he needed. Right after Michael said that his phone went off. Michael checks his phone seeing a new text.

"Hey kitten x" Reads the text. Michael reads it a thousand times before screaming and deciding to respond. He decides with a settle "hey, Ashton right?" He gets a automatic response "Who the fuck is Ashton? This is Alex" Of course it wasn't Ashton he would never call Michael kitten or any pet name for that matter. Michael texts back telling 'alex' he has the wrong number and agolgizes.


Michael goes to his fourth period class which happens to be social studies. The teacher does recall then they work with their partners. Ashton gets up and walks over to Michael.

"Hey Mikey" Ashton says sitting next to the younger boy. Michael mouth dropped.



Ashton fucking Irwin just called him Mikey.

Michael has been called Mikey by many people(ok maybe just his mom.) but it rolled off Ashton's tongue so perfectly.

"uh-u h-h-hi" Michael manages to stutter. His face bright red because, he hates his stutter and he just got called Mike. They start working on the project not much small talking going on, Michael hates small talk. He doesn't mind the silence in fact he enjoys it. The silence is interpreted by Michael mumbling to himself "you fucking idiot" when he messed something up.

"Michael" Ashton says stopping what he is doing turning towards the younger boy.

"Uh yes?" Michael asks.

"You are not a idiot. You are the smartest person I know. How many sophomores get in advanced junior classes you're fucking brilliant!" Ashton exclaims. Michael keeps working blushing.

"I wasn't fishing you wearn't even su-" Michael trys to insist but gets cut off. "Michael shut up." Ashton giggles "You are so intelligent I wish you could see it." Ashton says. He doesn't understand how Michael doesn't understand. How could such a smart person not notice how smart he is.

But Michael just noticed how smart he was. He knew he was smart but, it's just not something you think about. He doesn't think anything about being in advanced classes. But something something in Ashton's words that made Michael suddenly notice it how big of a deal it was.

Michael noticed how intelligent really he was.



GUYS HOLY FUCK THERIOTS IS READING THIS question for her do you have the wrong book or???? well anyways this is dedicated to her because, she is cool as fuck and a cool writer so check her out.

i have been working on this for 2 hours and it's currently 3:48 Am oppps

I honestly enjoy writing this book so much omfg hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it


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