E (empty)

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Michael-18 Ashton-19

It's been a few days since Michael and Ashton fight. Both boys are a mess.

Michael has relapsed multiply times. It seems he noticed how bad his life really was. Ashton just distracted him from the chaos and now Ashton is the chaos. Calum is really fucking worried about his best friend noticing the excess amount of sweater wearing. Usually Calum wouldn't think much of this but it's early September. Michael still refuses to talk to anyone and listens to sad music constantly.

Ashton on the other hand has handled the fight more maturely ( I guess you could say that but you can't really get your heart broken then handle it 'maturely') He is older after all, but Michael's reaction was expected because of what he has gone though. Ashton has skipped all his classes and spends his days sobbing. he can now say he has eaten all flavors of ice-cream know to man-kind.  He knows what he said to Michael was wrong but he was stressed with school and was home sick, and Michael was the only part of home he needed. He feels a like a dick(which he kinda should) He knew Michael wanted to go to a school for art, but he said stuff he know wasn't true and fucked up pretty badly. He made a insecure boy more insecure and that was very selfish and wrong of him.

Michael walked into school head down. He doesn't go to Calum's locker to get his stuff, he goes straight to class. His eyes bore into his first period teacher's.

"Michael! What's the answer to this problem?" His teacher whose name he hasn't bother to learn says. He doesn't even know what class he is in so he defiantly doesn't know the problem.  Even if he did he probably do the same as he is now. Staring right into Mrs.I-don't-her-name's eyes acting like he doesn't give a shit. Which he kinda doesn't.  She obviously notices the lack of concern or embarrassment in his eye's and gets pissed instantly. It's her class she doesn't stand up here  'teaching' for nothing.

"Michael are you gonna answer me?" the teacher asks almost trying to imitated the poor boy. However Michael doesn't crack and stays staring.

  "leave my classroom this instant! " The teacher yells pointing to the exit. Michael doesn't need to be told twice so he instant gets out of his seat and walks out of the classroom with no emotion in his eyes. He is now blindly walking the halls because, maybe if he turns down the right hallway he will find happiness(aka Ashton). He must have made a wrong turn because next thing he sees is Jack.

"Hey fag" Jack snarls. Michael just looks up. Eyes holding no emotion besides boredom

"Answer me when I talk to you!" He says pinning Michael up to the wall. Michael doesn't flinch he hasn't even blinked.

"If you don't answer me I will fucking kill you" Jacks say trying to get any rise out of Michael. He does kinda but maybe not the one he wanted "Please" Michael says barley a whisper. The first time he spoke almost three days. Jack not expecting that says "I said if you don't answer me you fucking idiot." and with that Jack leaves. Michael leaves too only he leaves. Like as in actually leaving school. His mom is at work so he has the house all to himself. Instantly he goes to his room grabbing a chapstick tube. Finally smiling for the first time in those three days. When he grabs it he knocks something off the table, a CD. The CD Ashton gave him the day he went to uni.

On the front of the CD it says 'i'm gone and you miss me'. He looks at the chap stick tube (which on the inside holds his razors) and then the CD Ashton gave him. He does miss Ashton alot. Maybe he should listen to it. One song won't hurt right?  He puts the CD in his CD player and listens. The songs weren't listed so anything could be on here.

"Hey kitten! it's Ash if you are listening to this you probably miss me while i'm at uni. I know for sure I miss you! Anyways last night you wanted me to sing you too sleep but my singing sucks so we just listened to Mayday parade until you fell asleep. But I though singing to you on a CD while i'm away could be cute in a lame cliche way. Without further a do let's get started." Ashton voice says though the speaker. Michael almost forgot they were in a fight. He remembered when he asked Ashton to sing for him. Ashton how ever refused repeatedly saying his voice was horrible. 

Ashton takes a deep breath before he starts singing. Michael instantly recognize the song, Hey there Delilah by Plain White T's.

"Hey there Michael what's it like in New York City?"

"I'm a 1,000 miles away but boy tonight you look so pretty yes you do"

"Time square can't shine as bright as you.."

"I swear it's true"

"Hey there Michael, don't you worry about the distance"

"I'm right there if you get lonely give this song another listen."

"close your eyes"

"Listen to my voice it's my disguise"

"i'm by your side"

Michael instantly starts sobbing. As  Ashton's heavenly voice continues to flow though the speaker's. Michael misses Ashton so much so fucking much. He misses cuddling, Ashton calling him kitten, Ashton's giggle, but mostly he missed Ashton. And Michael realized he didn't feel empty because Ashton was mad at him.

Michael felt empty because Ashton was gone.



kinda a part 2???

anways dedicated to @benevolents for the cool music suggestions and whatnots so yea thanks for that

GUYS THE SONG ASHTON SINGS IS ON THE TOP/SIDE SO CHECK IT OUT IT"S GOOD I SWEAR. I though the song went will with the situation but Ashton's is the one in new york opps.

it's like 1:30 where im at lmao

comment and vote if you want (highly suggested)


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