O (oblivious)

436 28 7

Michael-16 Ashton-17

Michael and Ashton have just finished presenting their partner project. To say Michael was sad would be a huge understatement. He dreaded for this day to come for two reasons. One he had to talk in front of the whole class,but Ashton was there supporting his every move which made him feel a whole lot better. And two he won't have a reason to talk to Ashton again.

Ashton also bummed that the project was ending, he was gonna miss being able to talk to the younger boy. They have grown close and Ashton told him something he wasn't able to tell anyone else. He trusted him with a secret not even Luke knew which is a pretty big deal for the tanned boy.

Ashton couldn't help but stare at the younger boy during most of the presentation. The way Michael's pretty pink lips moved while he was speaking made Ashton go insane. Michael just looked so pretty today day. (not that he doesn't look pretty any other day but there was a extra something.) He wore a green plaid shirt with his signature black skinny jeans, that did amazing things to his thighs. Ashton often messed up or missed his cue to speak by his creepy staring.

Michael walks into lunch a pout on his face.

"What's got you all pouty?" Calum asks

"Today was the last day of the project." Michael answers crossing his arms and slumping into his seat. Usually he would be very happy to have been finished with a project one less thing to worry about. However this was different, because it was Ashton.

"Ah no more lover boy?" Calum asks smirking slightly. You would have to be blind not to see Ashton was whipped for Michael but,even a blind man could feel the sexual tension.

"Speak of the devil!" Calum say leaning back in his chair smirk,obviously impressed with the timing. As he watches Ashton stride towards them.

"We were just talking about you lover boy." Calum says causing both boys to go red.

Ashton ignore Calum's comment going to say what he came to say. "Uh Michael I was kinda like wondering--well I just--you know what never mind." Ashton says sighing his confident Demeter gone and turns towards the table he came form.

"Wait!" Michael manages to squeak out. Causing Ashton to turn around.

"You can tell me if you want I mean like you don't have to." Michael says looking down not wanting to meet stares.

"Well I was kinda like hoping you would like to hang out it, see it was dumb." Ashton says scratching the back of his neck.

"I would love to" Michael says blushing slightly, because Ashton Irwin wants to hang out with him and he really wants to scream at the top of his lungs in a good way and fangirl but, sadly he can't at school so that can wait til he gets home.

"Really? Uh okay I will text you all the details." Ashton says face lighting up like a Christmas tree. He walks back to the table he can from sitting down but still keeping his eyes on the younger boy.

"You guys are so love sick with each other it makes me actually sick." Calum mutters

"I am not love sick!" Michael says defending himself.

"You got it almost as bad as lover boy." Calum says motioning to Ashton who still has manged to look at Michael without blinking.

"We're just friends." Michael huffs crossing his arms against his chest.

"You're so oblivious Michael." Calum sighs eating what's left of a grilled cheese.

"Am not!" Michael says.

Oh but how he was wrong.



haven't updated in a while so sorry about that I probably won't update until next thrusday because i'm busy all this week then school starts back up ughhhh.

how much longer of a break do you guys have???

anyways thanks for reading


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