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Welcome reader! I'm so glad that you've happened upon this book and decided to give it a chance.

This is my first novel, and I hope you enjoy it. It's not perfect, but it's mine.

Here's some info to get you acquainted;

Title: The Bridge


"Can I help you ma?" He asked. His voice was scratchy and low and his tone rang out as sarcastic.

"What do you mean by 'Can I help you ma?'" she asked him in incredulity.

"I said what I said. Now what exactly is your problem madam?" He asked, obviously nonchalant about this whole scenario.

"My-my problem?" She sputtered, gaping at him. "I'm not the one trying to kill myself. In this case, you're the one with the problem-a very big one in fact," she retorted.

He sighed deeply once more and looked heavenward, as if to show his exasperation.

"Madam, I was clearly staying on my own when you thought to bother me and now you're complaining? Kindly do the both of us a favour and keep walking."

She gaped some more. "Mr Man, I cannot keep walking, as you've so eloquently put it. In fact, I'm not going anywhere."

Mosope is a man with the weight of the world upon his shoulders. His decision to end it all takes him to Third Mainland Bridge, one of the most popular bridges in the entire Lagos.

Enter Anjola, who barges into his life last minute and disrupts all his meticulous plans. She's hellbent on changing his mind, and you know what? She's not going to take no for an answer.

Character Names-Pronunciation

Anjola (Anjie) Omoniyi - An-juh-lah (An-jee) Uh-muh-nee-yee

Mosope (Sope) Lewis - Mow-shaw-kpeh (Shaw-kpeh) Lee-wi-s

Kitan (Kitty) Lewis - Kee-tuhn Lee-wi-s

Ẹwaréèmi Akintunde - Eh-wah-ray-me (Eh-wah) Ah-keen-toon-day

Chuka Nwakozor - Choo-car N-wah-kuh-zurh


Lagos, Nigeria in West Africa; Africa, Planet Earth ;)

Prose Type - Novella

Status: Completed

Number of Chapters: 23 chapters + an epilogue.

6 things to expect from this book

• Some Nigerian slangs. But there are a few scattered here and there, but not to worry, it's always translated.

• This book is about suicide and what drove a person to that point, so no, it will not be a light-hearted book. Trigger warning here.

• I'm a Christian, so there'll definitely be an element of God in my writing. Don't be surprised if a character in the book turns out to be Christian or there are one or two references to the Bible. I love Jesus, so his name is bound to show up in this book. If you cannot respect that, then sorry but it's how I write.

• It will be shorter than a full novel, for sure.
Update: It's now a full novel at 40,000-42,000 words. It just spilled over basically.

• Dialogue heavy chapters.

• This is NOT a romance. Sorry guys, but we don't all fall in love with the people we come across.

Copyright Statement

This is an original work that was not poached from anyone and so, this work may in no way be reproduced or translated with any medium now known or hereafter invented, without the explicitly expressed permission of the creative owner of this work of art. The author exercises full legal rights over this work and is backed up by the copyright laws of the state.

The characters and events used in this work are fictitious and bear no resemblance to real people and events. Any resemblance found is purely coincidental and not intentional.

Copyright© 2020 by Mofe Ogundipe


To God, for the inspiration.

Also to all the people that have ever considered suicide as an option. You're not alone. God loves you, and don't you doubt it.

Special songs - Say Something by A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera
Broken Vessels by Hillsong United

Update: The next four parts are teasers that I put up when I hadn't started posting the book yet. So you don't have to read them, if you're in a rush to get to the main story. It's totally fine, it won't disturb your reading experience ;)

That's all for now folks👏🏽 I think we've covered everything. Please tag your friends and spread the word. Thank you!

Love always ❤️❤️~Mo✨✨

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Love always ❤️❤️

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