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This chapter is dedicated to _plehthora. Big Sister, you've been such an amazing pillar of support. Supporting this book since the get go. You all should please check out her books. You won't regret it✨✨

Now, without further ado: chapter 1🎉🎉

What's it like to drown?

Mosọpẹ Lewis was not really sure, that much, he knew. He had researched about it and surfed the net tirelessly for the most realistic illustrations, just so he'd know what to expect when it came down to that exact moment, when he would take that final step.

I don't need to bother myself with the details anyway, He told himself, dismissing his naturally inquisitive side.

After all, he would soon become acquainted with the crushing, maddening feeling of suffocation by liquid; liquid that was one of the three water bodies that made up the Lagos Lagoon, to be exact, rushing underneath the popular Third Mainland Bridge.

The familiar prickling sensation behind his eyes made him let out a curse as he tried his best to reign the droplets in. It didn't matter much anyways, since his efforts came to naught; the tears escaped his eyes anyways.

He wiped the tears hurriedly before they could finish their sojourn down his sunken cheeks, letting out a harsh, shaky breath to go with it.

Mosọpẹ wasn't exactly sure of what brought about the presence of the tears. He had promised himself that there would be no tears that day. Guess he already broke that promise.

It was a surprise to him that his tear ducts could still produce tears freely, he half thought he had developed alacrima within the past months, with how much he had cried. Of course, he knew, deep down, that the chances were slim to none but it helped him feel better, some way, some how.

He looked around again, soaking up his surroundings one more time. It was nighttime, like 9-ish, according to his phone clock; so the renowned Lagos nightlife had started bubbling.

It was evident in the way, the traffic on the roads were significantly lesser than it usually was during the daytime, and the way the cars whizzed past without a second thought to their surroundings.

The street lights that were lined up on the sides of the roads by the previous administration had been neglected by the current administration of the state, so only a handful of them were actually doing the job they were meant to. That just meant that there were lots of blind spots that evils could be perpetrated, without any disturbances from nosy passersby.

He smiled sadly; it was just the way he had planned it to be. The setting and the lighting-the lack of, thereof, were all perfect for his plan to go through without a hitch.

His motivation flashed through his mind once more and the tears continued to gush down in torrents, impervious to his control.

Gosh! He was such a screw-up. He almost wished that he had never been born, to save himself all the trouble and heartache.

He remembered all the moments, every single one of them. Both the important ones and the minor ones. They all held the same weight to him anyways.

It was like a slideshow going on in his head. The images flashed in his head rapidly, like a sensory overload. The sensations were still as real as it was when he had experienced them.

Her blinding white smile as she grinned toothily at him.

The rage in her eyes when she found out about the anti-depressants. The ones that he had hid from her.

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