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Here you go loves XD. I put up a song in the multimedia section, and it's called Broken Vessels by Hillsong. That's the lyrics video up there, and I listened to it while writing a part of this chapter. I think it really enhances the feels if you listen to it while reading.

But that's entirely up to you ;)

With that said, enjoy reading ♥♥

"Of all days to come home, Junior chose that day. He walked into his parents room, mad guess what he found? Me, trying to kill myself.

"I was just about to slit my left wrist, when he opened the door and walked in. It was then,that it occurred to me, that I had forgotten to do something important; whick was to lock the door.

"Immediately he saw me, and realised what I was going to do; he dropped to his knees. Before I could even say a word, or do damage control, he burst into tears.

"I'm sure it must have been quite a sight. A twenty-something year old man, on his knees; and a scared, suicidal teenage girl.

"In between his blubbers, he begged me not to do it. Told me that I was his only true family, and if I did it, I'd be leaving him all alone.

"I told him I couldn't stay alive. I had been through too much; and I just wanted it to end. I was just about ready to give up.

"I reminded him of all what I faced in the hands of my stepfather, Alani; which was how I found myself in their home. I made sure not to leave out the latest development: how his father got me pregnant; and how his mother connived, and succeeded in killing my baby.

"It was after then that we had a heart-to-heart talk about everything. He told me that since that night when he saw his father abusing me; he knew that he no longer had a father.

"He said he felt guilty, and ashamed of his father's actions towards me. That was why he could no longer look me in the eye; because when he did; he saw a girl who his father stole her innocence; and that hurt his feelings deeply.

"According to him, he stayed out of the house more, not really because of me, but because of his parents. He said they disgusted him, and he was angry at both them and himself.

"He was angry at his father for abusing me; he was angry at his mother for condoning his excesses; and most of all, he was angry at himself. Angry at himself for not being able to protect me from his father's pedophilic tendencies. And angry at himself for being powerless.

"He felt powerless because he couldn't really rebel against them. He was still dependent on them, for most things, no matter how much he hated him.

"We talked about a lot of things, and I was able to see everything through his eyes; and he saw everything through my eyes. And, while I did not agree with all of his methods, I understood where he was coming from.

"After our lengthy talk, I told him that I didn't blame him for anything; but I just couldn't continue in that way of living. If I had to endure any more visits from Okoro, I was sure I was going to lose my mind.

"And if I did run away, where was I going to run to? I couldn't possibly go back to my stepfather, and I still didn't know the location of any of my extended family members.

"Besides, what was left of me to offer? I had nothing except from shattered pieces of myself. Who would be able to love a damaged, broken vessel like me? I was of no use anymore. That was what I thought.

"He managed to change my mind, to cut the story short. He said he'd help me get out of there; that he had a plan, and I just needed to trust him.

"I was skeptical, but because of Junior's track record of acceptable behavior towards me; I told him that I'd give him one chance. What more did I have to lose anyway?

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