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Chapter 4 is here, as promised ;) However, this chapter got to be long, so I've split it. The chapter is also unedited. You can go ahead and read, then wait patiently till Friday for the next update. Have fun! xoxo

orex366 This is for you girl! You can threaten for Africa sha😉😅

PS: Please read the author's note.

"I believe that it all started when my younger brother Mayokun was born," he started, already feeling his mind slipping into a far place.

"I was a very cheerful, boisterous child, or so I was told. But after a while, it all changed. What caused it? I'm sure you must be wondering," he asked, letting out a hollow chuckle.

She didn't answer, just like he had intended when he asked his rhetoric question.

"Well, just like every other child that gets a younger sibling unexpectedly; I was upset and jealous; especially because, it seemed like I did not exist any longer. My brother had all their love and attention," he spat, feeling the bitterness seep into his words, and he made no effort to hide it.

He wanted to confront his feelings this one time, without trying to hold back or polish his opinion to make it more presentable.

"It used to be just my parents and I before he was born. Even though my parents were busy people, they always found time for me. We had our time to bond, where they would watch my favourite cartoons with me and my dad would play my toy cars with me." He wondered if she thought that it was a little weird that he sounded so hung up over getting a younger sibling.

He snuck a glance at her and found himself satisfied to find that she was aptly listening to him, hanging on to his every word.

That was good, because he had barely covered the half of it.

"Over the months after he was born and brought home, it became worse. My mum had taken time off her business to nurse him; and even though she stayed at home all day, we would barely see each other because she was so caught up in my brother's care. Play time became a thing of the past with my mother," he declared.

"My dad still tried to make time for me, but my mum would always interrupt us with something that had to do with Mayokun, whether it was that he had smiled his first smile, or that he had babbled for the first time.

"And my dad would get so excited and leave me with the toys, or in front of the tv to go check on him. He would eventually end up staying there and forgetting about me. I usually waited for him, even till when I fell asleep. Then a maid would return me to my room."

Recounting all this memories brought a dull ache to his chest. It didn't hurt him as much as it used to then, because he had grown up some more and time had healed the emotional wound a little bit.

When he thought of it now, it made him so angry. What kind of parents treated their child like that, for crying out loud! Little wonder he turned out the way he did, and above it all, they were the first ones to give up on him.

The woman beside him gave him a small smile and an encouraging nod to go on.

"Fast forward some more time. Mayokun was born in January and I was three years old at that time, to give you an idea of the timeline. By September, they enrolled me in school, quite early of them by the way," he chipped in the last part with a sarcastic tilt to his voice.

"Surely, it became better, right? Since you started leaving the house?" she interjected.

Mosope barked out a short laugh. How little did she know!

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