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Here you go loves xoxo. Unedited though ;)

"She already went unconscious in my arms, but according to the emergency officials, she still had an extremely weak pulse. They took her to the nearest hospital and declared her dead on arrival.

"So you see why I deserve to die? Do you see it? You see how I ruined her life?" With each question, his voice rose in octave and he suddenly looked wild, like a savage.

Allow him to speak his mind. Do not interrupt.

Anjola zipped her mouth shut, and allowed her intended words to die in her tongue, as soon as she heard the instruction.

"That's not all," he announced, his voice frantic. "After the response team came, they even detained me to make sure it wasn't a case of domestic abuse.

"I slept in the police cell for two nights before I had to swallow my pride and call Mayokun to come get me. They did their investigation and even Kitan's parents vouched for me that I wasn't a violent person.

"I was only cleared when the coroner's report came in and ruled it as an accident. I was in perpetual grief and it was painted for all to see.

"My parents offered to take me in, but I didn't want any of their sympathy. I told them that I was going to live in the house that we both shared; and I was going to surround myself with her essence: her floral scent that lingered, her still packed luggage, her books, her clothes-everything.

"I was going to feel the pain and I was going to embrace it. I was going to make sure that I felt more pain than that which I had caused her.

"I couldn't even go for her burial. I told her parents that I couldn't watch-" he paused to sniff. "-I couldn't witness it. I didn't want to let her go. And they understood. Though they were shrouded in their own grief, they were strong people who did what they had to do."

His eyes went devoid of all emotion for a minute and she prayed in the spirit for him.

"That wasn't even what tipped me over the edge. No, it wasn't. Her death shattered the already broken shards that made up my soul, and I wished that I'd died in her place; but I'd thought that was the height of the worst thing that could happen to me.

"But one day, as if I was in a trance, I found myself in her personal bathroom. We never shared a bathroom, because she was too much of a diva to not take her time in the bathroom," he let out a short, sarcastic laugh, through his tears.

"I opened the cabinet there and guess what I found? A positive pregnancy test result," he answered without giving room for her to respond.

"Like I hadn't been punished enough, I found out that my wife had been pregnant when she died. She was pregnant with my baby," he whispered the last part, tears streaming down his face.

Anjola's breath hitched. Wow. No wonder he wanted to kill himself, she thought. Losing his wife and their unborn baby.

"It all began to make sense. Everything began to make sense," he whispered, having a crazed look in his eyes.

"What? What began to make sense?" she asked gently, her voice soft. She was encouraging him to keep talking.

"Her increased snappiness, her mood swings, her added weight, the questions she asked me that day, the river of blood..." he trailed off, as though something was just dawning on him.

"The reason why the doctors and Anjola's parents seemed like they were hiding something from me," he said in a pained whisper.

"Why she put my hand on her stomach before she died. I didn't get it then but I got it that day in her bathroom.

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