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Another Sunday Surprise ;) Think of this as my last May gift to y'all.

_plehthora this is for you. A little gift for today ❤️❤️ You know why ;)

However, because I was in such a rush to put this up, it's severely unedited so please, bear with me.

Now go on, have at it ;)

"She wore me out eventually, and I told her straight up that I wasn't the kind of guy she wanted. Of course, she claimed otherwise, quite predictably.

"She argued with me back and forth until I gave up and she pronounced herself the victor.

"And so, we started our relationship in June 2013. I remember that day vividly, just like all the other memories. It was June 12, the MKO Abiola Day. That made it a public holiday for everyone in the country.

"I had told her that we'd just test the waters a bit, before seeing, if it was worth it to dive in with our full chests, or not. And she grudgingly agreed.

"During the early beginnings of our friendship-later to be relationship, I realised that her presence used to shut up the demons, at least, temporarily," he added.

"Forgive my cutting in," the lady interjected. "Correct me if I'm wrong; but, I thought meeting her and getting to know her made you feel insecure," she asked and he smiled.

"You're a good listener, madam. You've asked a smart question," he commended, smiling.

"Whenever she was there, she banished the darkness with her light. But when she wasn't there, the darkness would always, always, flood back with a vengeance. It'd fill my head with so much trash, though they were still truths; and it'd pollute my thoughts; make them toxic and porous."

She hummed and he continued: "We were good for a while and it wasn't so bad. I was still struggling, but she didn't know the full extent of it.

"She always waved off my comments about not being good enough with a simple word of reassurance. She didn't know that I was clinically diagnosed as depressed. She just thought that I was severely insecure. In fact, she didn't find out about it until much later.

"Few months later, after about six months of dating; and a year of friendship, Kitan started dropping hints about marriage.

"It started with the bridal magazines that she always left lying around in my apartment; then the numerous àṣọ́-ẹbí wedding-guest uniform samples that she wanted to know my opinion on.

"It didn't stop there. She made sure that, we constantly watched, different reality TV series on glam, Nigerian weddings.

"I refused to take the bait though. I pretended obliviousness to all her hints, and she noticed. She realised that I was doing it on purpose, after some time.

"So she confronted me; and she confessed her love for me. She swore that she was hundred percent sure that I was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

"I tried to discourage her. Oh I tried," he emphasized, shaking his head. This memory too was disturbingly clear in his conscious.

"I told her my deepest darkest secrets, just to dissuade her. But she was adamant still that we should tie the knot. Upon all the things that I told her; all the things I outlined that were wrong with me; she was confident that our love would be enough to see us through."

He let out a short, bitter laugh. How wrong were they? How stupidly naïve were they?

She had pressured him into taking the decision because of her feelings, and he too agreed because he wanted to be selfish for once. Look where that got them: a broken, shell of a man and a dead wife.

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