Beau Brooks

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You and Beau have been dating for three years today. Throughout your whole relationship neither of you have ever argued about anything. Every year on your anniversary you go to the same restaurant sit in the same spot. You are always as happy as your first date. You didn’t expect that today was going to be any different. As you both sit down to eat you, Beau pulls out a piece of paper. “I have a few words to say if you don’t mind beautiful” he smiles whilst holding your hand. You nod and wait for him to start he little speech. “We have been together for three years, and I couldn’t be more thankful for everything you have done for me. You have made me the happiest guy on this planet, made me realize that i want to start a family and settle down only if its with you. Never in my life did i think that i would fall in love with a more perfect guy and I couldn’t thank you more for making me feel like the luckiest guy on the planet.” you smile and let go of his hand to wipe away the tears from his speech. “Thank you handsome that was the sweetest thing someone has ever said. I’m the lucky one in this relationship.” you get up and plant a kiss on his cheek. You carry on throughout the meal making small talk and planning a trip across India together. As the meal comes to an end you pop to the toilet and are approached by a girl not much older than you, but the same age as Beau. “Beau’s Girlfriend?” she questions you nod confused as to why she is talking to you. “I would like you to inform him he needs to pay child maintenance he has ignored me for three years and cannot do it any longer.” The colour drains from your face as you hear the girl inform you that she has Beaus baby. “You’re kidding right?” you question he sanity, “why would you come and tell me this and not him?!” you start to get angry as you storm out of the bathroom in his direction. “Hey daddy, anything you think you should tell me that i have been kept away from for the last three years!” you shout across the restaurant in Beaus direction. He goes a bright red colour as everyone in the dining area turns and looks at him. You slam a picture the girl gave you onto the table of the young boy, “Nice to know you already have a child asshole!” You storm out of the restaurant leaving Beau gobsmacked on the table.

Two weeks you have been living with Jai and Luke now, You haven’t said a word to Beau and refuse to even look at him if you see him around. You decide to go and collect some of your things from Beau’s house. Jai sits outside in the car, “Just shout if you need me and ill come in.” he shouts through the window of the car. You let yourself and and start walking through the house ensuring Beau isn’t around. The last thing you want is confrontation with him. You trail through the rooms collecting bits and pieces you have left. As you walk to the back door to pick up your shoes, you hear a muffled sobbing from the garden. you open the door to see Beau sitting with his head between his legs and back against the wall. You have never seen him like this. “Beau? are you ok?” you hesitate before realizing what you just asked him, you haven’t spoke in two weeks after he told you how much he loved you why would he be happy. You wasn’t expecting him to be this cut up about it. “The baby isn’t mine i took a paternity test and he isn’t mine” he sobs. “Then why are you crying?” you sound concerned. “Because i doubt you believe me and you were really angry so you probably still do not want to be with me” the sobs get harder. You stand for a minute unsure what to say. “please don’t cry handsome we can sort this out. I’m just going to need time to sort my brain out.” you sit by his side. “Sorry for not being beautiful” he cries with snot dribbling from his face. You grab a tissue from your bag and wipe his face. “You’ll always be beautiful no matter how many arguments we have. You will always be my handsome boyfriend, i love you and in a few weeks we will be laughing and joking about this whole issue” you kiss his cheek.

{credits to Hellojanoimagines on tumblr}

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