James Yammouni

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“No, James! White clothes in another washer!” you say and tug on James shirt. James dizzily throws the t-shirt in the washer with white clothes. “Jeez,” you sigh and place your hand on your hip. “That’s your favourite t-shirt, do you want it to become yellow?”. James groans loudly. Fortunately you’re the only ones in the washing room today. “I don’t get it, though” James asks and holds up one of your black and pink striped shirts.  “Where the fuck does this thing belong?!”. You grab it from his hands and throw him some of his black briefs. “This is more complicating than math,” he groans once again and picks up one of your red bras. “Hey, (Y/N), for how long have you had this one? Why haven’t I seen it!”. When you was about to take it away from him, he puts it on his head. “James! Give it too me!”. “Do you think I look like a bear with this thing on?”. You gently but still not shove your elbow in his tummy so he has to bend down. You take the bra and throw it in a washer. “(Y/N),” James starts. “You’re blushing”. “I am not,” you deny, but you’re probably blushing. Your cheeks are a little hotter than usual. “(Y/N),” he repeats. “What?” It’s your time to groan. “Do you want that bra to become pink?”. You quickly turn around to check where you threw your bra. Yes, right into the white clothe washer. Your cheeks flush a little more. “You’re so cute and you’re blushing!” James exclaims and pokes your cheeks. You slap away his hand. “I’m not cute and I’m not blushing!” you say and he laughs. The next second, you’re thrown over his right shoulder.  “James!” you shout and hit his back with your fist. He laughs. “Where shall we put you? White? Red? Pink?” he says jokingly and then gently place you on a washing machine. “I think you belong with me, right?”.  You blush once again. “Ah, but when you’re with me, you become red, that’s not good, is it? Shall we switch machine?” “What are you doing, James?” you ask him and a big smile appear on your lips. He is so cute. “I’m just proving that it’s good if the things switch colours now and then” he explains and shrugs. “Are you on drugs, James?” “Maybe,” he jokes and pokes your cheeks a last time before you go to your apartment and watch some TV, forgetting to put on the machines. 

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