Luke brooks

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It was probably around 1 in the morning when my phone started buzzing “Luke?” I answered “Hey babe’ he sounded wide awake he usually doesn’t go to sleep until about 6 the morning “what’s wrong” I asked closing my eyes. “I miss you” I wanted to smile after hearing that but I was too tired to move any face muscles. “Well tomorrows Saturday I’ll go over or you come over or something ok?” “Ok but what would you say if I was right outside” “I’d say you’re crazy” “Open the window” “are you fucking kidding me?” “what? Are you mad? I’m sorry babe I didn’t think you’d get mad” “No no! I’m not mad you’re just crazy” I heard him chuckle “Are you serious?” “Why don’t you open your window and find out…” I got up and moved my curtains and there he was I couldn’t help myself to smile now. I hung up and opened my window and he climbed through the window I pulled him in my arms and took in his scent that I loved he was freezing but he was wearing a sweatshirt. I started lifting it off his head and he didn’t bother to question me. I started to unbutton his pants again he didn’t stop me he just pulled them down himself. I lifted his shirt over his head so he was only in his briefs I looked down and he was wearing the ones that say ‘I’ve got a big banana’ I laughed and wrapped my arms around his waist “Yes you do” He smiled down at me and leaned down and pecked my lips. I grabbed his hand and led him to my bed “I love what you’re wearing” he said and I looked down remembering I was only wearing a shirt and my underwear. I laid back down in bed and Luke rolled over and under the blankets his cold legs touching my warm ones giving me goose bumps. I wrapped my hand around his waist and laid my head over his bare chest. “Honestly I hope it stays like this..” he start playing with my hair now “What do you mean?” his voice was lower and deeper now “Me and you.. if you think about it we literally have a perfect relationship. Like the ones you see in movies..” He chuckled a bit cause my head to shake a bit from being on his chest. “I don’t want to sound like a crazy girlfriend or anything by saying ‘oh luke I want us to stay together forever and ever’ but-“ “Why not? I want to” I couldn’t help but smile I pushed myself off his chest and hovered over him my hair hitting him in the face “Seriously?” I asked he shrugged and continued to play with my hair “Why not? I mean you’re a cool chick.” I rolled my eyes knowing he was joking. I rolled off him and sighed looking up at my ceiling then he turned to face me and I just felt sucking on my neck right behind my ear where he knew always gave me goose bumps and just to be sure he ran his fingers up my leg feeling them grow. I giggled and crinkled my neck trying to deny him access. I felt him smiling against my ear. I turned so now I was facing him and our faces were so close I’m sure I was looking at him cross eyed but it was dark and you couldn’t really see. I pecked him on the nose and I could see him staring at my lips. He pulled me in so our bodies were closer together he kept his grip over my waist and smiled kissing the area below my neck but above my breasts.. the collarbone area? I tilted my head back laughing a bit but keeping quiet. “Oh YN I want us to stay together forever and ever and ever” he said between kisses. I brought my head back up “Its forever and ever.. not forever and ever and ever” I said correcting him smiling “But I want us to be together longer than forever and ever so I added an extra ever… got a problem with that?” I smiled and shook my head we both stared at each other for a while longer before we laughed he reached up and I reached down and we kissed. We kissed. “You know when we’re old and we’re grandparents.. its crazy to think that your kisses will never be less great.” I gave him a confused look, I was a bit lossed “I mean that the kisses we did when we were just kids.. meaning now are going to feel the exact same as to when we’re like 80.. isn’t that crazy.” I rolled m eyes “You would think of something that deep right now Luke” he laughed “I love you baby” I smiled “I love yo ass more” he smiled and kissed me again. “Is it weird that when I kiss you I now think of 80 year old YN?” “Ew yes” “Really? she’s kinda hot” I laughed and kissed him again to shut him up “damn grandma you got skills with that tongue” he said when we pulled away I rolled my eyes and turned the other way so my back was facing him he pulled me back into his arm so we were spooning and he laid his chin in the crook of my neck

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