Jai Brooks short

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cold nights

As Jai pulls the car into the driveway of your shared house you stare at the raindrops that are racing down the window. The sound of the tiny little drops bouncing off of the tin roof makes you shudder. Jai takes the keys out and inspects the conditions outside. Your eyes wander down to the ground outside where the rain is bouncing off the ground.

“Shall we just make a run for it?” Jai questions. You snap your eyes up from the pavement and turn to face Jai, your head nodding ever so slightly. Without hesitation, Jai opens the door and runs up the driveway to the house. You wait until he is safely inside and then do the same. As soon as you shut your door your hair sticks to your forehead. As you jog up the driveway you can hear the car locking, the small raindrops hurt as they land on your face, considering they’re coming down with great speed. It’s not just raining though, it’s freezing cold. As your feet plant themselves on your ‘welcome’ mat you laugh. Looking at Jai, his t-shirt sticking to him. Unfortunately, you brought the cold in with you and it’s enough to make you shiver. Jai takes note and grabs a blanket, coming back towards you and wrapping you up in it.

{credits to doughnutjai on tumblr}

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