Daniel sahyounie

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"Holy shit, Daniel. Grow up! Seriously." you yell at your boyfriend on the phone.

"All I’m saying is that I try so hard to make you a priority in my life, but it doesn’t look like you’re doing the same." Daniel argues. Your relationship with Daniel has been a little rocky the past few weeks. You’ve both been so busy, barely having any time for each other.

"You are my priority. But I have other priorities, too. Don’t you get that?" you say, feeling more frustrated than ever.

"I have other priorities, too. But I always try to put you at the top." Daniel says.

"Really now?"


"Every time I call you, it goes straight to voicemail. Every time I text you, you take at least 2 hours to reply back. And every time I wanna hang out with you, there’s always some reason for why we can’t. That doesn’t exactly make me feel like I’m at the top of your list, Daniel."

"Okay, but I always return your calls and at least I text you back even if it’s 2 hours later. And is it my fault that you always want to hang out at the wrong time? Shit, Y/N. You think you know shit, but you don’t. When I get home tired as fuck, I still call you and stay on the phone with you for hours even though all I want to do is go to sleep. When me and the boys are working, I always have my phone out, checking if you texted me and the boys yell at me for being distracted. I always have to beg my managers to give me a day off just so I can hang out with you. So don’t you dare fucking say that I don’t make you a priority!" You go silent for a few seconds. You feel like you’re about to cry, but you do everything you can to stop yourself. "Aren’t you gonna say something?" Daniel asks angrily.

"I don’t wanna do this anymore. I’m over this." you say coldly.

"Yeah? Well, so am I!"

"Fine!" you say, and you hang up the phone. You drop down on your bed, grab a pillow, and bury your face into it. You scream into the pillow as loud as you can. You love Daniel so much, but you’re beginning to wonder if it’s really going to work out between the two of you. You lay still on your bed until you eventually fall asleep. You hate going to bed mad at Daniel, but it’s a little late and you’re tired. An hour later, you wake up to your phone vibrating in your hand. You check it and see that you’ve received a text message from Daniel. ‘Look outside your window.’ it reads. You immediately get up and do exactly as the message says. When you look out your window, you see Daniel standing on the front lawn looking up at you. "What are you doing here?" you ask, keeping your voice down so that you don’t wake your parents. Daniel lifts up the pizza box that he’s holding in his hands. "You brought me pizza?" you ask.

"Yes." Daniel says. "Uh, do you mind letting me inside? It’s a little cold out here."

"Hold on." you say. You quickly and quietly rush downstairs and open the door for Daniel.

"Hey." he says with a crooked smile on his face. You hate the fact that he looks so cute right now.

"Be quiet. My parents are asleep." you say.

"Oh, sorry." Daniel whispers.

"Come on." you say quietly. You take a hold of his arm and lead him up the stairs and into your bedroom. Daniel places the pizza box down on your table. You take a seat on your bed and neither of you speak. "Why did you bring me pizza at this time of the night, Daniel?" you ask, breaking the awkward silence.

"I brought you pizza because I’m a dick and I’m sorry." Daniel says. You try to hide the smile on your face after he says this, but you fail to.

"Look, I’m sorry too, babe." you say.

"No. I’m sorry. I was being an asshole to you and I shouldn’t have. I just love you so much and I love being with you and I don’t want anything to take you away from me. I love you more than anyone that I’ve ever loved before." Daniel says. You get up and walk towards Daniel. You wrap your arms around his neck and Daniel puts his arms around your waist, pulling you in close.

"You are my everything." you whisper in his ear. You stare at his beautiful eyes and then you look down to his lips, wanting to kiss them so badly.

"Can I have a kiss?" Daniel asks. You smile and nod your head, placing your lips on Daniel’s. He kisses you sweetly, sucking on your bottom lip. You put your hands on either side of his face and kiss him harder. Daniel moves his hands down to your ass, squeezing it. When the two of you have finished your make up makeout session, you look over at the pizza box on the table.

"Thank you for the pizza. This was really sweet of you." you say.

Daniel smiles. The two of you eat the pizza and then you get into bed. Daniel cuddles you, holding you tightly and you fall asleep in his arms. When you wake up the following morning, Daniel is gone. You get up and see that he’s left a note on your table. It says: ‘Good morning babe! Let’s hang out today :) - Skip’

{credits to lukeys-lip-rings on tumblr}

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