Luke brooks

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You had been tossing and turning all night. As much as you wanted to go to sleep, you couldn’t. Like at all. 

You rolled over to look at the time on the clock, frustrated and annoyed. The time read 3:30 AM. 

You huffed and lay flat on your back, staring up at the ceiling and twiddling your thumbs. Luke had been sleeping soundlessly all night, snoring softly and too caught up in his dream world to even feel the bed move whenever you tried to get in a more comfortable position. 

You stared at Luke with jealous eyes. Lucky bastard. Why did he get to sleep and not you?

With a sigh, you gently climbed out of bed and padded soundlessly downstairs to the kitchen to make yourself some tea. Maybe that would help you sleep. 

When you took a careful sip of your piping hot tea, you felt two strong arms wrap around you from behind and a warm, bare torso pressed against your back, causing you to jump slightly.

"It’s just me." Luke mumbled sleepily, his nose pressing down on your shoulder. 

You instantly relaxed in his arms and let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.

"What are you doing up?" you whispered.

Luke snorted and softly kissed your shoulder.

"I could ask you the same thing."

You sighed and took another sip of your tea. This time, it wasn’t so hot.

"I can’t sleep. It’s driving me nuts." you mumbled in irritation as you leaned back in his chest, Luke’s strong arms still supporting you.

Luke lifted his head and softly kissed your cheek, still sleepy but awake.

"Come back to bed." he murmured in your ear, "I have an idea."

You nodded and followed him upstairs. Luke was practically dragging you by the hand back to your room when he collapsed on the bed face down.

You rolled your eyes and giggled at him.

"Is this your idea?"

Luke instantly sat up and got under the sheets, opening the blankets as an invitation for you to join. 

He opened his arms wide for you. 

"Come cuddle with me." he mumbled, his puppy dog face evident even in the dark.

You smiled widely at him as you set your mug down on the nightstand and snuggling up next to him. Luke pulled you in by your waist and wrapped one arm around it while the other hand rubbed the small of your back lovingly. Your pointer finger was lightly tracing his Simba tattoo, making him hold you tighter. 

He moved his head so that it faced you and softly kissed you on the forehead before softly singing to you.

“Slow down

Make it last

I’m having the time of my life

And take your photograph

I don’t want to leave this behind

What seems so out of reach…”

You instantly recognized the song as your and Luke’s song. It was All I Ever Wanted by Brian Melo. You had found it in a tumblr post and replayed it over and over, eventually making Luke listen to it. The two of you soon declared that song to be your song. If anything could get you to sleep, it would be Luke’s raspy singing voice and your favorite song.

We’re holding it right in our hands

Let’s give up everything

Let’s jump in and never look back [x2]”

“This is all I ever wanted

but life got in my way

You’re all I ever wanted

I didn’t see how it could change

That something was missing until today”

Luke’s soft singing lulled you into a calm and peaceful state. Immediately, you could feel yourself finally falling asleep.

“The city comes alive

As soon as you walk through the door

Another sleepless night

But i don’t want to sleep anymore

I don’t want to sleep anymore”

You didn’t make it even halfway through the song. You had fallen asleep before Luke had reached the second chorus. But that didn’t matter to him because he kept singing anyway, just to make sure you were finally off in your dream land.

“This is all I ever wanted

But life got in my way

You’re all I ever wanted

I didn’t see how it could change

That something was missing until today”

"Climbing so high

just don’t look down

we can see everything from here

for once in my life

feet off the ground

I don’t wanna come back down”

"Take your photograph 

I’m having the time of my life”

Luke realized you had officially fallen asleep and wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon, but he decided to finish the song for the fun of it. 

A small smile crept on his face as he sang the last verse of his favorite song.

"This is all I ever wanted

But life got in my way

You’re all I ever wanted

I didn’t see how it could change

Nothing could get in the way

You’re all i ever wanted

Didn’t know what i was missing until today”

When he finally finished the song, he smiled softly at you and gave you one last kiss on your forehead before falling asleep alongside you, warm and tangled in your embrace.

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