Luke brooks

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Its our five year anniversary today and he is probably sucking up because he forgot until this morning. Still you say nothing as you don’t want to make him feel bad, you keep his present hidden underneath the bed. After finishing your breakfast Luke kisses you again. “You know what day it is today gorgeous?” You pretend you haven’t a clue what he is talking about, “Urmm, tuesday?” he laughs and reaches under the bed pulling out out a square box, rather big box. “Happy five years beautiful” he says, you smile and reach under the bed to get his present, you sit there watching him open his present before opening yours. “oh, baby, its the camera, i have been saving for this for so long its amazing thank you.” His smiles grows instantly as he takes a picture of you on his new film camera. His face drops as he watches you open your present. “it’s not as amazing as the present you got me” he says in an upset manor. You open the box to find three things. The first thing you remove from the box is a scrapbook, you open it to see the firsts of everything from your first cinema date, dinner date reciept etc, from the five years you been together. Tears roll down your face as you flick the pages and see your dates, tickets from travelling around Europe. You wipe the tears from your cheeks and place the book on the bed and you pull an envelope out. You open it to reveal two one way tickets to LA. “Luke, whats this?” you question confused as why there is no returning ticket. “Keep looking through the box” he giggles. You reach in and pull out a small box that jingles as you pick it up. You open to see a set of keys. “Door keys?” you are even more confused. “turn to page 56 of the scrapbook” you open the book to the page and see a picture with (Our first house) written underneath it. “I love you so much beautiful” he says as he wipes the tears from your face

{credits to Hellojanoimagines on tumblr}

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