Luke brooks

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“Hi guys, Luke and Jai here and today we were going to do a Twin Talk Time but we decided to do a Dare Sundays!”Luke said for the opening. “Today,”Jai continued,”we’re doing the tickle challenge. We thought it would be more fun with more people, so Luke recruited y/n to join us.” Luke waved you on and you joined the boys next to the couch. After they explained the rules, you all did noses to see who would go first, and you lost. “Damn it,”you muttered, before slowly lying down on the couch. “You ready babe?”
“I think s-” before you could finish, the boys had already starting tickling you all over. You swore you could hear your laugh from miles away as you rolled around on the couch. You were extremely ticklish, so this challenge was killing you. “Guys, s-stop!” 
“Sorry babe, times not up yet.”
You rolled onto your side, which ended up being a bad idea because as soon as they started on your side, you couldn’t take it and you ended up rolling off the couch and on to the pavement. 
“Y/n are you ok?” The twins asked, as Luke walked around the couch and knelt down beside you. 
“Yeah, I’m ok. I think I scraped my knee though,”you said, looking down and your bloody leg. You both looked at it, then up at each other, and then burst out in a fit of giggles. 
“I can’t believed you rolled of the couch,”Luke chuckled, wiping his eyes. 
“I told you I was ticklish!” you both just sat on the ground, looking into each other’s eyes when Jai said,”Ok love birds, let’s continue with the challenge, shall we?”
“Ok Jai, it’s your turn!”

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