Beau brooks

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1 twitter notification* @brooksbeau: my beautiful babe @(y/t/n) attached was a picture I opened it and gasped oh my god why would beau post this. It was a nude picture of me I sent to him when he was horny on tour what the fuck. 
I sent him a text.
(Y/N): what the Fuck asshole
After 5 minutes he replied
Beau: Babe what’s wrong ❤️
(Y/N): are you fucking serious 
Beau: I have no idea what your talking about babe ❤️
(Y/N) check your last tweet cunt
After a few minutes he replied
Beau: OMFG babe I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to 
(Y/N) we’ll talk when you get home. Leave NOW
I slid down the wall crying my eyes out I was still on twitter people were tweeting me, calling me a slut, a fat whore and ugly. I wanted to die right there and then it gave me memories from when I was 13 people called me ugly and a slut I looked at the scars on my arms from cutting, I got a text from my best friend 
(Y/B/F/N): wow (Y/N) didn’t know you were such a slut. 
Everyone knew. I couldn’t get away, even if beau deleted the tweet people save the fucking picture and screenshot it. 
I went to the bathroom got the razor and slid it across my arm once, twice, three times I screamed out in pain. Just then beau came through the front door, I ran my arm under water and rolled my sleeve down.
I walked angrily down the stairs trying to wipe the tears from my eyes “(Y/N) I’m so sorry I didn’t mean it”
“You didn’t mean to post my nudes to your 1.7 million twitter followers for all of them to see” I shouted
“I’m sorry I picked the wrong photo” 
“And you expect me to believe that crap. For fuck sake are you blind” 
“Don’t you dare, don’t you fucking dare” 
Beau grabbed my arm where the cuts were I pulled it away with pain. 
“Look I’m sorry” 
I ran upstairs got a suit case out the cupboard and emptied all my stuff into it.
“Where are you going (Y/N)”
“Away from you even my best friend called me a slut how do you think that feels” 
He didn’t say anything and with that I left slamming the door behind me. 
“FUUUUUCK” I heard beau scream from inside.
I got into my car and left I started crying in the car. For god sake why did he do it, my eyes stung with the heat of my tears. I was desperately looking for somewhere to stay the night any hotel would do. I found a small hotel and parked my car then I went into the reception which was small and old looking. I went up to the depressed looking teenager at the desk.
“Look I just need a room for a couple days” I said
“Have you made a reservation” she sighed
“No I haven’t made a fucking reservation, I just need a room”
“Any preferences?”
“Something better than shit”
“Room 421” she gave me the key I grabbed it and then got into the lift with all my stuff. As I got into the room I had a look around, it was fine nothing better. White walls, white double bed, small bathroom.
I started unpacking my stuff and realised I had left my perfume at our house. I knew beau would be spraying it around. I went and sat down on my bed with my phone and started scrolling through twitter. #(Y/N)nudes was trending on twitter. Fuck my life, I just wanted to die I started crying again. Then I decided to send a text to beau I took a photo of myself even though I looked like shit and was crying my eyes out then wrote:
(Y/N): why don’t u post these #(Y/N)hatesjanoskinators or #beausashitboyfriend
Beau: please come back babe
(Y/N) 😂
Then I stopped texting him
I wasn’t hungry so just fell asleep.
The next day I woke up and remembered what had happened yesterday. I sighed, I had a shower and got dressed then I went downstairs I didn’t eat breakfast because it looked like something had died in it so I just went out into town in my car. I went to the cafe me and beau had gone on our first date I ordered a coffee gulped it down and left.
Then I went back to my hotel room to get my running stuff on, I plugged in my earphones and ran, I don’t know how far or how long but I just ran maybe round the park 6 times but I had to stop I was out of breath which made me feel awful because normally I can do 8 but not today because I was distracted. I saw beau had called be but I didn’t pick up so he left a voicemail:
“I’m so sorry babe please forgive me I love you so damn much you’re my absolute world my life means nothing without you, I didn’t sleep last night I was too busy thinking of ways to get you back, I need you babe, and I know you’re angry but I also know you love me as much as I love you” his voice began to crack ” I know you probably don’t want to hear from me right now but for me babe check twitter” 
I did as he said #beausashitboyfriend , #beauissosorry and #janoskianatorsarentjudgingyou(Y/N) was trending on twitter. 
I had forgive him he went to so much effort to get these things trending, I went back to my hotel packed my stuff and left leaving some money at the counter. 
Once I had arrived at our house I sighed and knocked on the door after a few seconds of waiting he came to the door, his eyes yer end as bright and he’s let his stuble grow out “hi” I said, he looked up at me them grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall and kissed me passionately.
I missed his kisses.

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