Chapter 6

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Thanks everyone for all the comments I've been getting! 👍😀

It's really made me excited to write this story.

"Fooooood! Need... fooood." Rowan rasped crawling to the kitchen.

I watched amused.

Roman rolled his eyes.

"Didn't you go to the store?"

Rowan froze from his spot on the floor.

"Well... no."

Roman shook his head at his dumb brother.

"We ate all the food. Now get your ass off the floor."

Rowan slammed his head on the ground.

"It's not my turn."

Roman shook his head once more.

"Didn't you say you were going to go to get food?"

Rowan looked up. "I went to get pet food, we were running low."

Roman threw his hands in the air.

"But you didn't think to get food for us humans?"

"Uh... no?"

"Oh my god... go get Reagan, we're going to sit down and plan the week."


"Tonight one of my partners from work is coming to work on a project," Roman announced.

"Cool, I've got a date tomorrow, Reagan you got anything planned?" Rowan asked yawning.

He shook his head quickly keeping his head down.

"Reagan... are you playing a game under the table?"

He nodded tilting his head to the side slowly.

"I was in the middle of a boss fight. Just a sec."

A few minutes later he finally looked up grinning. "I did it!"

His cheeks were flushed, eyes lit with joy.

My heart pumped harder.

Why is he so cute?

"That's great Ray-Ray but-"

He crossed his arms with a sigh. "Don't call me that, and no, I don't have any plans."

Roman sighed. "Well, you can go to the store then, Rowan and I have things to prepare."

Rowan frowned. "I do?"

A thump and a yelp made me grin.

"I mean, I do! Lots of things to do!" Rowan squeaked.

Reagan gazed at his brothers.

"You want me to go to the store... alone?"

"You can do that, can't you?" Roman asked softly.

Reagan hesitated.

"I don't want to go all alone."

Rowan winced and looked at Roman pleadingly.

"You can do it. Rowan go see if we have any alcohol, maybe your fucking hamster left some for us."

"I can't go alone..." Reagan whispered then narrowed his eyes at me.

I paused.

"You do realize I'm in a cat body right? I can't go with you nerd."

He stroked my head gently with a sigh.

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